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(c) Softree Technical Systems, 2024
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The contents of 2. html
2.1. 3D Facet Features
2.2. 3D Symbol Size and Rotation Dialog
2.3. Add/Modify Horizontal IP
2.4. Horizontal Options
2.5. Project Explorer
2.6. Optimizer Alignment Panel
2.7. Automatic Curve Widening Options
2.8. Auto-generate Horizontal Curves
2.9. Auto Maximum Side Friction Factor Options
2.10. Auto Super-elevation Options
2.11. Exporting DEM Files
2.12. Working with Cable
2.13. User Interface Reference
2.14. Minimum Deflection Given Load
2.15. Profile Window Cable Options Dialog
2.16. Analysis Parameters
2.17. Maximum Flying Load Given Clearance
2.18. Topography
2.19. Logging Systems Add Dialog
2.20. Tower and Tailhold Positions
2.21. D-line Data Window
2.22. Cable Analysis Overview
2.23. Logging Systems Dialog
2.24. Select Subwindows for Display Dialog
2.25. Cable Analysis Module
2.26. Edit Equipment Dialog
2.27. D-line Calculation Options Dialog
2.28. Cable Dialogs
2.29. Logging Systems
2.30. Deflection for Fixed Skyline Given Load
2.31. Creating a Logging System
2.32. D-line Data Options Dialog
2.33. Equipment
2.34. Types of Analysis
2.35. Simple Third Point Deflection
2.36. Cable Profile Window
2.37. Equipment Dialog
2.38. Analysis Requirements
2.39. D-line System Dialog
2.40. Logging Configurations
2.41. Windows
2.42. Calculations
2.43. Units
2.44. D-Line Explore Options Dialog
2.45. Construction Zone Parameters Dialog
2.46. Corridor Defaults Dialog
2.47. Corridor Surface Export Options
2.48. Corridor Surface Options
2.49. Corridor Surfaces
2.50. Credits
2.51. Importing CSX Cross Section files
2.52. Curve Table Items
2.53. Custom Label Options Dialog
2.54. Exporting DEM Files
2.55. License Dialog
2.56. License Dialog - Troubleshooting
2.57. D-Line Auto-Tailhold Options Dialog
2.58. Drive Through Options Dialog
2.59. Alignment Setup Dialog
2.60. Feature Rasterization
2.61. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.62. Fixed Cross Sections
2.63. Optimizer Auto-Generate Interval
2.64. Optimizer Ground Approximation
2.65. GPS Configuration Dialog
2.66. Optimizer General Cost Structure
2.67. Optimizer Simplified Cost Structure
2.68. Hydrology Tools
2.69. Hydrology: Drainage Areas
2.70. Hydrology: Flow Paths
2.71. Hydrology: Streams and Ponds
2.72. Hydrology: Watershed
2.73. Import GPS Waypoints Dialog
2.74. Importing LAS/LAZ LiDAR Files
2.75. IPD File Format
2.76. Large 3D Symbol Sets
2.77. Laser Gun Interface Dialog
2.78. Import LAS/LAZ Options
2.79. Plan Window General Options Dialog
2.80. LiveMaps
2.81. Location Setup Dialog
2.82. Assign Parameters by Range
2.83. Road Class Specifications Dialog
2.84. Ground Layers Dialog
2.85. Horizontal Curves Panel - Simple Mode
2.86. Vertical Curves Panel - Simple Mode
2.87. Culvert Editor Panel
2.88. Culvert Add Dialog
2.89. Horizontal Curves Panel - Advanced Mode
2.90. Vertical Curves Panel - Advanced Mode
2.91. Culvert Properties Dialog
2.92. Add/Modify Vertical IP
2.93. Template Leg Properties Dialog
2.94. Template Fragments
2.95. Template Properties Dialog
2.96. Component Properties Dialog
2.97. Delete Range Dialog
2.98. Function Groups - Location
2.99. Alignment Setup
2.100. Reference Features Dialog
2.101. Reference Surfaces Dialog
2.102. Projected and Intersected Features
2.103. Menu Customization Dialog
2.104. Section Window Labels
2.105. Template Codes Dialog
2.106. Template Editor Options Dialog
2.107. Custom Template Components
2.108. Template CL Point
2.109. Alignments
2.110. LandXML File Format
2.111. Cut/Fill Area Options Dialog
2.112. Mass Haul Graphic Options Dialog
2.113. Surface Intersections and Percent Calculations
2.114. Section Header Text Options Dialog
2.115. Default Template Display Format Dialog
2.116. Deleting an Existing Plan or Profile Point
2.117. Multi-Plot Page Control
2.118. Plan Window Options Dialog
2.119. Point Types
2.120. Profile Sub-View Options Dialog
2.121. Earthwork Borrow/Waste Table Dialog
2.122. Deleting an Existing Reporting Point
2.123. Multi-Plot Sub-Views
2.124. Auto-Generate Dialog
2.125. Interactive Operations
2.126. Data Sub-View Options Dialog
2.127. Ground Types and Cut/Fill Angles
2.128. Window Types
2.129. Layout Files
2.130. ASCII Coordinate Files
2.131. Working with Text
2.132. Edit - Recalculate All
2.133. Multi-Plot Options Dialog
2.134. Fill Types Assignments
2.135. Export DWG/DXF/DGN Options
2.136. Plan Sub-View Options Dialog
2.137. Design Start Station
2.138. Hinge Points
2.139. Section Window Status Fields
2.140. Curve Items Diagram
2.141. Template Editor Dialog
2.142. Multi-Plot Pagination Options Dialog
2.143. Section Window
2.144. File | Export Data to Ascii
2.145. Profile Window
2.146. Creating a Reporting Point
2.147. Edit - Copy Window to Clipboard
2.148. Clearing and Stripping
2.149. File | Save As
2.150. Profile Sub-Windows
2.151. Template Assignments Dialog
2.152. Templates
2.153. Expansion and Compaction
2.154. Horizontal Curves
2.155. Slope Properties Dialog
2.156. Seeding Area
2.157. Print Profile Options
2.158. Bridge Template
2.159. Culvert Auto Length Calculation Dialog
2.160. Curve Table Options Dialog
2.161. Template Table Sub-View Options Dialog
2.162. Modifying the Horizontal Alignment in the Section Window
2.163. Curve Table Items
2.164. Template Table Dialog
2.165. Profile Window Labels
2.166. Section Sub-View Options Dialog
2.167. Sub Horizons Assignments Dialog
2.168. Template Assignment Options Dialog
2.169. L-Line and P-Line
2.170. Taper Template
2.171. Curve Table Sub-View Options Dialog
2.172. Plan Window
2.173. Print Section Options Dialog
2.174. Culverts
2.175. File | Retrieve Screen Layout
2.176. Data Window Fields
2.177. File | Save Screen Layout
2.178. Ground Types Editor Dialog
2.179. Creating a New Plan or Profile Point
2.180. Moving an Existing Plan or Profile Point
2.181. Plan Window Labels
2.182. Multi-Plot Window
2.183. Data Window
2.184. Shortened Traverses
2.185. Interactive Tools
2.186. Terrain Sub-View Options Dialog
2.187. Rectangle Sub-View Options Dialog
2.188. Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options Dialog
2.189. Site Prep Assignments Dialog
2.190. Ditch Properties Dialog
2.191. File | Merge Multi-Plot Layout
2.192. Roadway Properties Dialog
2.193. Section Extensions Dialog
2.194. Merging Multi-Plot Layouts
2.195. Parameter Overrides Dialog
2.196. Image Sub-View Options Dialog
2.197. Profile Window Options Dialog
2.198. Scale Bar Sub-View Options Dialog
2.199. Vertical Curves
2.200. Modifying the Vertical Alignment in the Section Window
2.201. Section Window Options Dialog
2.202. Traverse Start Station Changes
2.203. Data Window Options Dialog
2.204. Moving an Existing Reporting Point
2.205. Status Area
2.206. General Setup Dialog
2.207. Rich Text Paste Sub-View Options Dialog
2.208. Status Area
2.209. Unit Setup Dialog
2.210. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.211. Choose Layer
2.212. Component Connection Dialog
2.213. Component Connection Dialog
2.214. Component Parameters Dialog
2.215. Culverts Re-Import Dialog
2.216. Section Editor (panel)
2.217. Template Materials
2.218. Plan Shading Options
2.219. Add Fixed Cross Section
2.220. Location Insert File
2.221. New Horizontal Alignment
2.222. Report Point Properties Dialog
2.223. Template Parameters Graphic Options Dialog
2.224. Export Location to Terrain
2.225. Lookup Table
2.226. Roadway Materials
2.227. Fixed Section Volume Calculations
2.228. Custom Label Options Dialog
2.229. Multi-Plot CAD Options
2.230. Optimizer Standards
2.231. Vertical Processing
2.232. Optimizer Control Pts.
2.233. Optimizer Options Display tab
2.234. Optimization error messages
2.235. Optimizer General Options
2.236. Optimizer Optimal Haul Options Dialog
2.237. Optimal Haul Export Contents
2.238. Optimal Haul Export Options
2.239. Optimizer Reporting Fields
2.240. Optimizer Optimization
2.241. Optimizer Pits
2.242. Optimizer Constraints
2.243. PathExplorer.htm*DREX_CHM
2.244. Path Explorer Dialog
2.245. Cost Calculations
2.246. RockCut_CL.htm*DREX_CHM
2.247. Rock Height Calculations
2.248. Screen Redrawing Speed
2.249. Setup Elevation Column
2.250. Softree
2.251. GPS Connect Dialog
2.252. Simplify Point Surface Data Dialog
2.253. Smart Curves
2.254. Station-Offset-Elevation Import Dialog
2.255. Stn/Offset Import Options
2.256. Importing Station/Offset Files
2.257. Station Equations Dialog
2.258. Ground Layers Dialog
2.259. Field Reference Column
2.260. Traverse Window Columns Dialog
2.261. Create New Column Dialog
2.262. Edit Existing Column Dialog
2.263. Pick List Options Dialog
2.264. Station Column
2.265. Traverse Window Columns
2.266. Back Azimuth Column
2.267. Foreshot/Backshot Dialog
2.268. Fore Azimuth Column
2.269. Intermediate Foreshots (IFS)
2.270. X, Y, Z Columns
2.271. HT (Height of Target) Column
2.272. Side Shots
2.273. Moving Around in the Traverse Window
2.274. Multiple Document Interface
2.275. File | Save Traverse Screen Layout
2.276. Back Right Column
2.277. Horizontal Distance (HD) Column
2.278. HP 48 Traverse File Format
2.279. Traverse Documents
2.280. Station Index Column
2.281. Advanced Mode Options Dialog
2.282. Traverse | Remove Relative TA's
2.283. Save As DXF Export Dialog
2.284. Select Shot Type Dialog
2.285. Customizing the Traverse Window
2.286. Back Bearing Column
2.287. Survey Information Dialog
2.288. Slp.(%) Column
2.289. Map Documents
2.290. File | Save Map Screen Layout
2.291. Fore Bearing Column
2.292. Ground Type (GND) Column
2.293. File | Save As
2.294. Traverse Coordinate Adjustments
2.295. Registry Entries
2.296. Raima Error Messages
2.297. HI (Height of instrument) Column
2.298. Side Shot Data Mode Dialog
2.299. Total SD Column
2.300. Height of Instrument/Target Dialog
2.301. Traverse Entry Options Dialog
2.302. Magnetic Anomalies
2.303. Traverse | Current Field
2.304. Shot Type Column (Type)
2.305. Traverse | Traverse Options
2.306. Extended Side Shot Edit Dialog
2.307. Installed Files and Directories
2.308. Slope Distance (SD) Column
2.309. Slp.(degrees) Column
2.310. Creek Dialog
2.311. Elevation Change (dZ) Column
2.312. Zenith Column
2.313. Map | Adjustment
2.314. Polycorder Roads Traverse File Format
2.315. File | Retrieve Screen Layout
2.316. Traverse | Join to Existing Traverse
2.317. Fore Right Column
2.318. Ground Types
2.319. Compatibility with Previous Versions
2.320. SSL/SSR Columns
2.321. Coordinates at Station Dialog
2.322. Ground Layers by Range Dialog
2.323. Fore Grad Column
2.324. Distance Conversion Dialog
2.325. Map View Options Dialog
2.326. Back Grad Column
2.327. Customizing the Map Window
2.328. Label Control
2.329. Creek Column (CRK)
2.330. Updating or Installing from the Internet
2.331. Stratum Layers
2.332. Softree ASCII Traverse Files
2.333. Label Column
2.334. File | Open
2.335. Template Validation Options Dialgue
2.336. Exporting Regular Grid Files
2.337. Softree Product Update Dialog
2.338. GTCO DigiPad Micro (4 Button)
2.339. SUMMAGRAPHICS SSketch (16 Button)
2.340. KURTA XLP 1212 (4 Button)
2.341. GTCO Ultima (4 and 16 Button)
2.342. SUMMAGRAPHICS MicroGrid III (16 Button)
2.343. Status Bar
2.344. Wildcard
2.345. Unit Survey Raw File Format
2.346. SUMMAGRAPHICS SummaGrid IV (16 Button)
2.347. Linetype Editor - Line Items Tab
2.348. CALCOMP Drawing Slate II (16 Button)
2.349. SUMMAGRAPHICS MM1201 (4 Button)
2.350. GTCO 2436 (70717-ID) (16 Button)
2.351. Area Property
2.352. GTCO Accutab
2.353. KURTA XLC (16 Button)
2.354. Linetype Editor - Symbol Items Tab
2.355. Linetypes
2.356. Text Items Tab
2.357. GTCO Rollup with Menu (16 Button)
2.358. Symbol Editor - Symbol Items Tab
2.359. Altec AC32 (16 Button)
2.360. GTCO DigiPad Type 5A (16 Button)
2.361. KURTA 15209-3-Y (16 Button)
2.362. KURTA XLP 1218 (4 Button)
2.363. Symbol Editor - Text Items Tab
2.364. CALCOMP 9000 (16 Button)
2.365. KURTA IS/ONE (4 Button)
2.366. GTCO Digi-Pad (type5,5a,12,PC,3036) With Menu (16 Button)
2.367. KURTA XLP 1218 (16 Button)
2.368. KURTA XGT (16 Button)
2.369. GTCO Ultima II (16 Button)
2.370. SUMMAGRAPHICS SSketch MM1812 (4 Button)
2.371. GTCO Sketch Master (4 Button)
2.372. Exporting Regular Grid Files
2.373. Import KML/KMZ
2.374. Import Station Offset Options Dialog
2.375. Grading Template Dialog
2.376. TIN Operations Dialog
2.377. Audit Tracked Features Dialog Box
2.378. Tracked Feature Prompt
2.379. Tracked feature modification dialog box
2.380. Transparency Options Dialog
2.381. User Defined Labels
2.382. Move/Size/Rotate by Vectors dialog
2.383. Optimizer Vertical Optimization Options
2.384. File | Save As