Plan Window Labels
To select Plan Window labels for display:
1. Choose menu Plan | Plan Options.
2. Click on the "+" symbol beside labels.
The following labels can be displayed in the plan window.
Azimuth Labels
If selected, the azimuth of each C/L shot (FS or IFS) on the P-line will be displayed. The azimuth format can be set in Module Setup dialog Units Tab.
BC/EC Labels
If selected, the L-line station at Begin Horizontal Curve and End Horizontal Curve points will be displayed.
Comments (from traverse) Labels
If selected, the label field from the traverse document will be displayed.
Culvert Description Labels
If selected, the culvert description will be displayed. The culvert description is set in the Culvert Editor Panel.
Culvert Size Labels
If selected, the culvert size will be displayed. The size of culverts is set in the traverse document and can be changed using the Culvert Editor Panel.
Curve Radius Labels
If selected, the horizontal radius will appear at the IP (intersection point) of each curve along the alignment. For more information see Horizontal Curves.
Elevation Labels
If selected, the elevation of the P-line is displayed at each station.
Floating Labels
If selected, Floating Labels will be displayed. See Working with Text for more information on Floating Labels.
Ground Type Labels
If selected, the ground type code is displayed at each station in the p-line. For more information see Ground Types and Cut/Fill angles.
Horizontal Dist Labels
If selected, the horizontal distance of each shot (FS or IFS) on the p-line will be displayed.
Index Labels
If selected, an index number will be displayed at each station. See Online help for Survey/Map.
L-line Stations (Comments and Culverts) Labels
If selected, the L-line station will be displayed at comments and culvert label locations. At Comments positions this label is attached to the P-line.
L-line Stations (Design Points) Labels
If selected, the L-line station will be displayed at each design point. This label is attached to the L-line.
L-line Stations (Survey Hubs) Labels
If selected, the L-line station will be displayed at each survey station. This label is attached to the P-line.
Northing-Easting Labels
If selected, the northing, easting coordinate of the P-line is displayed at each station.
P-line Stations (Comments and Culverts) Labels
If selected, the P-line station will be displayed at comments and culvert label locations. This label is attached to the P-line.
P-line Stations (Design Points) Labels
If selected, the P-line station will be displayed at each design point. This label is attached to the L-line.
P-line Stations (Survey Hubs) Labels
If selected, the P-line station will be displayed at each survey station. This label is attached to the P-line.
Radial Shot Azimuth Labels
If selected, the azimuth of each radial shot (RS) on the P-line will be displayed. The azimuth format will depend on the entry mode setting (See Online help for Survey/Map - Edit -Entry Mode).
Radial Shot HD Labels
If selected, the Horizontal distance of radial shots (RS) will be displayed.
Radial Shot SD Labels
If selected, the slope distance of radial shots (RS) will be displayed.
Radial Shot Slope % Labels
If selected, the slope % of radial shots (RS) will be displayed.
Side Slope Right Labels
If selected, the side slope % of the first side shot or average side slope right (see Module Setup dialog General Tab) is displayed. Note if the Minimum Spacing parameter is set (see Label Selection and formatting), the slope % will not be displayed unless it is different from the previous and next.
Side Slope Left Labels
If selected, the side slope % of the first side shot or average side slope left (see Module Setup dialog General Tab) is displayed. Note if the Minimum Spacing parameter is set (see Label Selection and formatting), the slope % will not be displayed unless it is different from the previous and next.
Slope Dist Labels
If selected, the slope distance between P-line points will be displayed.
Slope % Labels
If selected, the slope % between P-line points will be displayed. The format of the slope (deg or % slope) is set in the Survey/Map module Edit Entry Mode menu.
Traverse Name Labels
If selected, the traverse name is displayed at the first station.
Field Reference
If selected the field reference stations from the traverse will be displayed.
L-line Slope % Labels
If selected, the slope % between plan L-line points will be displayed. The format of the slope (deg or % slope) is set in the Survey/Map module Edit Entry Mode menu.