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  • 2.268. Fore Azimuth Column
Fore Azimuth Column
The Fore Azimuth measures the absolute (compass) angle to the next station. It is common to measure this angle in decimal degrees (0-360). However, it is also possible to enter this angle in other formats such as degrees, minutes and seconds. See Traverse Entry Options dialog for more information on angle formats.
If a Back Azimuth exists the Fore Azimuth and Back Azimuth are averaged.
A Magnetic Deviation from North can be entered in the Advanced mode options dialog accessible from the Traverse Entry Options dialog by pressing the Options button.
It is also possible to change absolute angles to turning angles to minimize the influence of local magnetic attractors. See Magnetic Anomalies for more information.
To enter Fore Azimuth the Angle Reference must be set to Absolute (see Advanced mode options dialog) also the angle format must be in degrees (see Traverse Entry Options dialog). Other entry modes will change the column heading and the interpretation of the data entered.
For more information about columns, see Traverse Window Columns.