  • 2. html
  • 2.173. Print Section Options Dialog
Print Section Options
The following options are available:
Point Types
Choose the type of plan,profile and reporting points for output.
Auto Center
If selected, the output will be automatically positioned so the centerline (l-line) is in the center of each window.
Bottom up
If selected, the lowest station station on the page will appear at the bottom of the page. This option has no effect if there is only one section per page.
NOTE: If Bottom Up is selected, the sections increase vertically column by column. If Bottom Up is not selected, sections increase horizontally row by row.
Page Layout
Enter the number of rows and columns on the output sheet. 
Export Section Width (DWG/DXF export only)
Width of a section in paper units; an Autocad drawing does not have a well defined page size (in model space).
Export Section Height (DWG/DXF export only)
Height of a section in paper units; an Autocad drawing does not have a well defined page size (in model space).
Inches/mm (combo box) (DWG/DXF export only)
Determines units of Width and Heightcheck box) (DWG/DXF export only)
If you set this check box, the output will appear as one long page in one document.
Note that the Rows edit box is disabled if the Export All check box is set.
Station Range
Select Whole Road or enter a range of stations in (L-line coordinates) to print.
Multiple output sheets will be printed until all the selected sections have been output.