  • 2. html
  • 2.106. Template Editor Options Dialog
Template Display Format dialog
This dialog is accessible by pressing the Options button in the Template Editor dialog.
It controls the line type, color and hatch of template surfaces in the section display windows. It also allows you to format the template leg and point code labels.
Material Surfaces
This displays all the available material types for use in a template. 
Press this button the change the line type and color used to represent the selected material surface(s). If you choose to hatch a material, the template editor and section windows will show unambiguously where this material is used.
Note that colors, lines and hatches are stored in screen layouts (not with your template table).
Display Labels
Use this check box to show or hide labels for the currently selected surface(s). Choice of labels is made by pressing the Labels button (below). Note that this control is overridden by the Labels check box in the section window options.
Other Options
Display sub-surface layers
If this check box is set, arbitrary sub-surface layers are drawn in the template editor window. These layers are overridden if you display a real cross-section by clicking on the Station button (a red flag) to the right of the template editor window.
Display merged surface
If this check box is set, a dashed line is drawn to represent to top surface of the template at any stage in its calculation. If you select a component in the Template Editor tree control, then the merged surface line will include this item but not the items below it
The merged surface line is very useful for debugging templates and components under construction.
This button will popup the Label Selection and Formatting dialog allowing you to choose which template labels you wish to display. You may also control the  font, size and position of labels. Also see Working with Text for more information on label formatting.
Note that label formats are stored in screen layouts (not with your template table).