  • 2. html
  • 2.121. Earthwork Borrow/Waste Table Dialog
Earthwork Borrow/Waste Table dialog
This dialog box allows cut and fill volumes to be removed or added. The changes only effect the calculation of mass haul.
The mass haul graph under the Profile will reflect any borrow/waste quantities. Although the borrow/waste volume is added or removed from a particular station, the effect will be spread out in the graph (which is drawn between design points = PROFILE, PLAN or REPORT points).
If you wish to see a vertical line in your mass haul graph, add a report point just before and just after the borrow/waste station. The View | Jump to Station (Ctrl+J) tool is a quick way to accomplish this.
Borrow volumes are positive and waste volumes are negative.
To add a borrow or waste a volume:
1) Enter a volume in the Volume edit box.
2) Enter a station in the Station edit box.
3) Press the Add/Update button.
To modify a borrow or waste volume:
1) Select the entry you wish to change in the list box.
2) Change the volume in the Volume edit box.
3) Press the Add/Update button.
To remove a borrow or waste location:
1) Select the entry you wish to remove in the list box.
2) press the Delete button.
To assign the borrow and waste pits:
1) Press the Assign button. This option allows to assign the pit usage obtained from the cost optimization done on the current alignment to the mass haul diagram. Note that overflow and underflow, if any present in the cost optimization, are not assigned as waste and borrow.