  • 2. html
  • 2.150. Profile Sub-Windows
Profile Sub-Windows
The following fields can be included as Sub-windows. Adding or removing these items from the display is done in the Profile Window Options dialog.
This sub-window displays the volumes of borrow and waste material. See Earthwork Borrow/Waste Table dialog for more information.
The depth of cut (or fill if negative) at the L-line (designed centerline) is displayed.
Cut/Fill Areas
If selected, a graph of cut/fill cross sectional areas is displayed. The graph assigns cut areas as positive (blue line) and fill areas as negative (red line). The sum is displayed in a purple dashed line. The units of area are square project units. The Options button allows you to change display options or overlay a Grid.
If this field is selected the ground type of the fill material is displayed. See Fill Material Assignments dialog for more information. The Options button allows you to display any combination of Abbreviation( 2 character code), Description, Fill Slope Angle in %.
P-stn (non-linear)
If selected, the Preliminary Line stationing is displayed. Cumulative horizontal distance on survey.
Lyr1 Gnd, Lyr2 Gnd, Lyr3 Gnd
If any of these fields are selected the corresponding layer ground type ID will be displayed. The Options button allows you to display any combination of Abbreviation ( 2 character code), Description, Slope Angle in %.
Mass Haul
If selected, a mass haul graph will be displayed. The calculation of the mass haul begins at the start of the design. The vertical scale can be fixed or automatically determined based on the range of values shown in the window. The units of volume are cubic project units or cubic yards if your project units are feet (imperial). The Options button allows you to change display options or overlay a Grid.
Ssl, Ssr
If either of these fields are selected the corresponding side slope will be displayed. The Ground Side Slope Display option on the Module Setup dialog General Tab allows you to set the display to either the first side slope or an average side slope. To change the font size of this field use the Default Font option on the Module Setup dialog General Tab.
If this field is selected the road template identifier will be displayed.
Tmpl L
If this field is selected the left road template identifier will be displayed.
Tmpl R
If this field is selected the right road template identifier will be displayed.
NOTE: The above fields, display text corresponding to intervals along the road. If the horizontal scale of the Profile Window is large or the interval is small, there may not be enough room to display the text. In this case the text for that interval will not be displayed. However, vertical bars marking the beginning and ending of the interval will be displayed. To examine the contents of such an interval, simply expand the horizontal scale.
The Options button allows you to display either and Abbreviation ( 2 character code) or a Description.