Template Materials
This dialog box is accessible from the Template Editor and Fill Material Assignments. The Extended Templates function group must be enabled.
Template materials are used for volume reporting and display. This dialog box allows you to change the description of the materials. It also allows you to assign fill materials to template layers (except SG).
Materials (list)
Select an item in this list to populate the properties below.
The color and hatch displayed in this list can be controlled from Template Display Format accessed from Section Window Options.
Abbreviation, Description (edit boxes)
Customize these identifiers for display in output (for example the the Data window column headings) and other places in the software.
Fill Ground Type / Material - Assigned ("+" button)
Press this button to open Fill Material Assignments. This allows you to see (and change) what Fill Type is used for sub-grade.
This control is only available when sub-grade is selected in the list (first item) and when Fill Material Assignments is not already open.
Fill Ground Type / Material (Drop list and "+" button)
Use the drop list to select a fill material for use in the selected layer (anything but sub-grade). Press the "+" button to open the Ground Type Editor.
When ***Unassigned*** is selected volumes are calculated but OptiHaul ignores this layer for mass balance, cost calculations and optimization.
Replaceable (check box)
When this control is set, only the quality of the the selected material is considered by OptiHaul for mass balance, cost calculations and optimization. This has the same meaning as in Fill Material Assignments.