  • 2. html
  • 2.142. Multi-Plot Pagination Options Dialog
Multi-Plot Pagination Options dialog
The items in the dialog box control how the print output is divided into pages. This dialog box is accessed from Multi-Plot Options dialog using the Pagination button.  
Horizontal Alignment
Allows you to choose the horizontal alignment to be used in the chapter.
    Auto (current) - if set the currently selected alignment will be used.
    Other - if set the alignment can be selected from a list.
Station Range
Enter the range of stations to be included.
Length of Road (stations) per page
The length of road per page divides the output into pages (see Multi-Plot Page Control for more  information).
Fixed Check Box
Enter a fixed length for each page (see Multi-Plot Page Control). It is best to set % Overlap (below) to zero if you use this option; rather set the length chosen here to be less than the length of the Plan and/or Profile windows.
Use Size of Plan/Profile Check Box
If this check box is selected the Length of road per page is determined automatically from the Plan and Profile windows (chooses the smallest length from either the Plan or Profile windows). 
Use Section Check Box
If selected, the length will be calculated from the range of stations displayed in the section window. This depends on the Layout of the Section Sub-view (see Section Sub-View Options, Layout button). 
% Overlap
Enter a page overlap % so the end of one page will appear on the start of the next page. This is useful if you choose the Use Size of Plan/Profile option above.
Calculated Page Ranges
Start Page
Defines the name of the first page. Useful if your printed package has initial pages not generated by this software. If you set the start page to "3", for example, the first page printed will still start at the Start Station defined above but it will be referred to as page 3 in the title bar and in Rectangle Sub-Views that display page number.
Note that you can define a subset of pages for printing in the File - Print Multi-Plot dialog box.
Calculated Page Ranges List Box
This list box shows the calculated station ranges for each page.  NOTE:  The actual stations displayed in the various windows may differ from this value (The plan and profile windows are centered on the mid range station.  The actual  range of stations is determined by the scale and size of the window).