  • 2. html
  • 2.127. Ground Types and Cut/Fill Angles
Ground Types and Cut/Fill Angles
A table of ground types, cut/fill angles, expansion and compaction factors is associated with each traverse document. These ground type parameters are derived from the system default ground types table (ROADENG.GND) when a traverse is created. You can modify the traverse ground types and the system defaults at any time (see Ground Type Editor dialog).
NOTE: Ground type information is saved with the traverse. Changes made to the ground types table will affect all designs associated with the traverse.
The cut and fill angles of the road template are determined from the ground material(s) saved with the survey notes if your template has Auto for slope angles selected (see Template Editor dialog).
The default Ground Types that came with the installation are not definitive and may not apply to ground conditions at your site. Use the editing features of this function to create Ground Types which will be meaningful at your location