  • 2. html
  • 2.134. Fill Types Assignments
Fill Types Assignments
The Fill Types dialog box is accessed from Assign Parameters by Range. It allows you to assign sub-grade (SG) fill material to station ranges along the alignment. Fill materials are incorporated into volume reports and mass balancing. The fill material defines expansion/compaction factors and default cut/fill slope angles, see Ground Type Editor. The default cut/fill slopes are used if a Template slope is set to AUTO, see Template Editor for more information.
New Range
NOTE: To delete an interval, override it with another one. After modifying an interval, you must click the Add/Edit button in order for the changes to be stored.
SG Fill Material (drop list and "+" button)
Select the sub-grade (SG) fill material to apply to this range. The "+" button opens the Ground Type Editor which allows creation and editing of material types.
There are two special placeholder materials: *1 and *2. When you select one of these, the material assigned for fill is the same one assigned to the ground layers in Sub Horizons. See also Replaceable below for flexible fill assignments.
Replaceable (check box)
This option is used by the OptiHaul mass balancing and costing features to allow flexible and cost effective fill assignments.
When this control is set, only the quality (Qi) of the the selected material is considered. For example, if you select GR Gravel (Q3), the OptiHaul software may fill with any avaiable material that has quality Q3 or greater.
From Stn (edit box)
Enter a start station (L-line). If no station is specified, the From Stn is assumed to be the beginning of the road.
To Stn (edit box)
Enter an ending station (L-line). If no station is specified, the To Stn is assumed to be the end of the road.
Add/Edit (button)
This will assign the fill type to the specified range and display in the dialog box. You can add more than one range, if you wish, before you press OK.
Ranges (list)
This area displays all Fill Type assignments for the road. Selecting one of the list items will populate the controls above and allow you to modify the values; you must press Add/Edit to commit a change.
Other Materials (button)
This option allows you to change, the fill material for other template layers (non SG layers).
OK (button)
This will exit the dialog box and prompt to recalculate your alignment. Recalculation will update cross sections and volumes to accommodate your changes; for accuracy, reporting points are inserted just before (-0.1 units) and just after (+0.1 units) any boundaries between fill types. Choose the Re-Cost option to run the OptiHaul software.
Cancel (button)
Ignore SG fill assignment changes and exit.