  • 2. html
  • 2.216. Section Editor (panel)
Section Editor (panel)
The Section Editor Panel allows viewing and modification of Fixed Cross Sections.
Title bar
The title bar contains controls to close the window and to change between a docked panel and a floating window. See Panel Windows, Common Features for more information.
The Tree control
The tree control near the top of the panel shows all the fixed sections and their components. The item selected in the tree determines which controls are visible in the rest of the panel below.
Fixed Sections
The root of the tree control is always visible. If it is selected (or if there are no fixed sections in the design) only the Add Section button is available below the tree control.
Add Section (button)
Opens the Add Cross Section dialog box which allows you to convert the template generated c
Layer Properties (button)
This option allows you to change the display and volume properties for each Layer.
Ignore points between fixed sections. (checkbox)
This option sets the Start of fixed range (see below) property for all fixed sections. With this property set points in between sections are ignored from the Data Window, Volumes, Sections etc.
Section items
Fixed sections are labelled in the tree by their station number. Each section contains layers.
When a section item is selected then the area below the tree control shows applicable controls.
Add (button)
Adds a new fixed section (same as Add Section above).
Layer Operations (button)
Adds a new Layer item to this section. The Layer Operations dialog box pops up.
Remove (button)
Deletes the current fixed cross section.
The cross section at this station will then be generated from the applied template.
Start of fixed range (check box)
When checked, all design points between this fixed section and the next fixed section will be ignored.
End of fixed range (check box - disabled)
Indicates whether the previous fixed section is the start of a fixed range (see above).
Layer items
Layers are labelled in the tree by their layer abbreviation; the color line-type and hatching are also indicated. Each layer contains polylines.
When a layer item is selected, it is highlighted magenta in the section window.
Add/Copy... (button)
Adds a new layer to the current section (same as Add/Copy Layer above).
Add Polyline (button)
Adds a new polyline item to this layer. The new polyline is created with one point at the center of the template (zero offsets); it will be selected and ready to edit or to add more points.
Some layer types (Topo for example) are restricted to one polyline; this button will be disabled to prevent you from creating a second polyline on these layers.
Remove (button)
Deletes the current layer and all contained polylines.
This button is disabled for the Topo layer.
Shift Up/Down (buttons)
These buttons change the position of the current layer in the tree . Layers are calculated from the top down; the order is very important in volume calculations. We recommend that you set layer formatting (see Format button below) to show hatching so you can see how the materials are being placed.
Displayed (check box)
If this control is cleared then the layer will become invisible when it is not the current layer. The current layer is always visible and highlighted magenta.
Volumes (check box)
If this control is cleared then the layer will not contribute to volumes. Hatching, if defined (see Format button below), will no longer be displayed.
Format (button)
Opens the Template Display Format dialog. The changes made here affect all cross sections.
Polyline items
Polylines are labelled in the tree by their number of points.
When a polyline item is selected, it is shown with box symbols in the section window.
Add (button)
Adds a new polyline to the current layer (same as Add Polyline above).  This button is disabled for the Topo layer.
Remove (button)
Deletes the current polyline.  This button is disabled for the Topo layer.
Break (button)
Deletes the current polyline.
Join (button)
.This function joins 2 polylines.  The current point must be positioned at the one of the join points.
Shift Up/Down (buttons)
These buttons change the position of the polyline layer in the tree. As polylines from the same layer generally do not overlap, this should have no effect on  volumes.
Current Polyline Point
This area allows you to change the point code and position of each polyline point.
Prev/Next (buttons)
Allow you to move forward and backward to each point on the polyline.
Current Area
Allows you to enter the horizontal and vertical offsets for each point.
Add Point
Allows you to add a polyline point using coordinate geometry functions.
Edit Point
Allows you to existing polyline point using coordinate geometry functions. 
Delete Point
Deletes the current polyline point.