  • 2. html
  • 2.167. Sub Horizons Assignments Dialog
Sub Horizons Assignments dialog
You can use this dialog box to assign stratum horizons. These horizons separate up to 3 different material layers in the original ground.
This dialog box is accessed from the Assign by Range button found in the Home and Corridor ribbons.
When assigning Stratum Layers you may vary the depth and material type for each sub horizon along the road centerline The depths are entered as depths from surface. Calculation of slope angle, compaction/expansion, and volumes will be determined based on stratum layer ground type.
For new designs, Location will get its layer information from a referenced P-Line survey if it exists; the default ground type OB is used otherwise.
New Range
NOTE: To delete an interval override it with another one.  After modifying an interval, you must click the Add button in order for the changes to be stored.
Ground Layers
The Ground Layers edit box displays the values of the currently selected range. The plus button next to Ground Layers opens up the Ground Layers dialog which allows entry of multiple layers.
The default assignment, **, means that the layer information is extracted from the P-Line survey if it exists. You may override the P-Line sub-horizons for any range. If there is no P-Line defined then ** will be interpreted as the default OB.
From Stn
Enter a start station (L-line). If no station is specified, the From Stn is assumed to be the beginning of the road.
To Stn
Enter an ending station (L-line). If no station is specified, the To Stn is assumed to be the end of the road.
This will assign the Ground Layer values to the specified range and display in the list box. You can Add more than one range, if you wish, before you press OK.
This area displays all Ground Layer assignments for the whole road.  Highlighting one of the Ground Layer assignments will allow you to modify the values in the New Range area above.
This will exit the dialog box; In addition, reporting points will be inserted just before (-.5 units) and just after (+.5 units) any boundaries between fill types.
After completing this option the user is prompted to "Recalculate the road alignment? (Yes / No)". If yes response is given, all cross sections will be recalculated. If a fill type has been inserted and the alignment is not recalculated, cross section and earthwork data will be invalid.
Ignore any changes and exit.