  • 2. html
  • 2.112. Mass Haul Graphic Options Dialog
Mass Haul Graphic Options dialog
Controls the display of the Mass Haul sub-window (in the lower part of the Profile window). 
This dialog is available from the Profile Window Options dialog ; select Mass Haul in the Sub-windows list and then click on the Options button; a double click on the the list itself has the same effect. Sub-windows can be added and removed from the list with the Selected button.
Vertical Scale
Select Auto to scale the graphic so it fits in the window in the visible station range. Note that if Auto is selected the scale will change as you scroll the Profile window.
Clear the Auto check box to enter a fixed scale. This scale is in volume units per cm.
This button will popup the Grid Options dialog allowing control over the format and display of grid lines. Note that the horizontal grid (station units) will always line up with the main Profile window.
Line Formats
Mass Haul
Allows you to change the color, line style and symbol of the line representing mass haul volume.
Zero Line
Allows you to change the color, line style and symbol of the zero or balance line (the horizontal line at mass haul = 0.0).
Use OptiHaul Volumes
A traditional mass haul graph does not balance by material. Cut quantities are well defined but fill is ambiguous. Since the origin and type of fill is unknown, arbitrary expansion/compaction factors must be applied. This is difficult to track at "design time because fill quantities and composition are changing (depending on the alignment geometry, cross section etc.).
For example, consider a road with sold rock (SR) and gravel (GR) excavation. Depending on the choice of fill material (HP, SR or some fixed proportion), the volumes will be under or over compacted. Using Opt-haul volumes avoids this problem by calculating the materials to be used for fill.
NOTE: here is no advantage to using OptiHaul volumes, if you only have one material. If you have more than one material, using OptiHaul Volumes is more accurate however a "re-cost" calculation is required each time the design is changed.
Advanced Mass Haul
Free Haul distance (FHD) - is the station distance earth may be moved without additional compensation to the construction contractor. 
Over Haul distance (OHD) also known as Limit of Profitable Haul (LPH) - is the station distance beyond which it is more economical to borrow or waste than to haul from the road bed. 
Most items controlled by this dialog box are saved in screen layouts as well as with the saved Location design project; retrieving a screen layout will change line types and colors etc. to those saved with the layout. The Free Haul and Over Haul distances, however, are only saved with the Location design project and the Normal.dlt screen layout file used when creating a new Location design. To save default values for these distances, modify the Normal.dlt screen layout file.
Free Haul
If the Free Haul check box is selected, balanced portions of the mass haul diagram where material is moved less than the Free Haul distance (FHD) are outlined and hatched. The color, line style and hatch style of these areas is selected by pressing the "+" button next to the check box. 
The free haul distance is entered in the associated Distance edit box. 
Over Haul
If the Over Haul check box is selected, balanced portions of the mass haul diagram where material is moved less than the Over Haul distance (OHD) are outlined and hatched. The color, line style and hatch style of these areas is selected by pressing the "+" button next to the check box. In addition, an arrow is drawn from the centroid of the cut area to the centroid of the fill area. 
The over haul distance is entered in the associated Distance edit box. 
If the Borrow check box is selected, portions of the mass haul diagram where fill material does not come from the road bed are outlined and hatched. The color, line style and hatch style of these areas is selected by pressing the "+" button next to the check box. 
If the Waste check box is selected, portions of the mass haul diagram where cut material does not get moved to the road bed are outlined and hatched. The color, line style and hatch style of these areas is selected by pressing the "+" button next to the check box.