  • 2. html
  • 2.283. Save As DXF Export Dialog
Save As DXF Export dialog
The DXF Data Export is available from the File | Save As menu item by choosing from the Save File as Type combo box (lower left) "Autocad DXF Format (*.DXF)". This option creates a 3 dimensional coordinate preserving DXF file.
The elements you may export will be placed on various predefined layers. The name and description of these layers is displayed in the list box and you may select which of these are exported. See the end of this section for contents of available layers.
Select All (button), Select None (button):
These buttons select or deselect all the layers in the list box. To select or deselect a single layer without changing the status of the other layers, hold the control key while clicking.
Edit Layer... (button):
This button pops up a dialog box that allows you to change the color and line type for the current layer (the one last selected).
Rotate, Translate... (button):
This button pops up a dialog box that allows you to rotate or translate the coordinate system (X=Northing, Y=Easting, Z=Elevation). For example, if you wish to export to a map that uses UTM coordinates, you would enter the difference between UTM and local (X, Y) into the offset X and offset Y fields.
Section Extension... (button):
This button pops up a dialog box that allows you to change the amount by which the cross sections will be extrapolated beyond the last data point. This distance is a horizontal distance.
Text Viewing Scale (edit box):
This dialog box is used only to determine text size. Any text which is exported will be a reasonable size when the image is viewed at this scale.
Save as Default (check box):
If checked, all the choices made in the DXF Options dialog (including items controlled by buttons, such as Rotate, Translate...) will be saved in a file (survey.ini) and used for the next DXF export.
Contents of Available Layers:
There are four Autocad entity types that can be exported:
1) 3D polyline
2) symbol as inserted block
3) text as attribute attached to symbol
To export text you must also export the symbol that the text is attached to.
The following are the layers available for export:
empty layer 0 - Autocad default layer
Polyline layers
traverse center line includes IFS shot points
side shots at surface cross section
top of stratum 2 cross section
top of stratum 3 cross section
Symbol blocks layer, required for text
symbols at turning points (triangles). This includes IFS points
Text attribute layers, attached to STN blocks.
station (cumulative horizontal distance) labels
Labels at station
culvert size
stratum 1 ground type
stratum 2 ground type
stratum 3 ground type
First side slope % on the left.
First side slope % on the right.