  • 2. html
  • 2.46. Corridor Defaults Dialog
Corridor Defaults Dialog
This dialog box allows you to edit the default formatting for Corridor and Topo surfaces.
You can access this from Reference Terrains/Surfaces.
Surfaces (list)
This list allows you to see some properties of all surfaces. Selecting item(s) will update the property details to the right; the list allows multiple select (click while depressing the <ctrl> or <Shift>). Modifying the properties will update the selected items.
The first item, Topo, is not a corridor surface; it is included so that default formating can also be saved for new Location projects (see Save as default).
The second item, Stripped Surface, is created during cross section calculation if stripping has been assigned using Site Prep Assignments.
Most of the list items refer to layers defined in the cross section template. These layers can be renamed, but the default names are:
The last item, Final Merged Surface, is the top of the designed cross section and is created from one or more of the template layers above.
Create at start (Auto) (check box)
When set, new alignments will automatically create Corridor surface(s) for selected layer(s). This control is disabled if Topo is the only item selected; Topo cannot be created automatically.
It is recommended that you automatically create only one layer (or at most a few) that is included in your most common templates. Subgrade is a good candidate as is Final Merged Surface which will almost always exist. You can manually add corridor surfaces in Reference Terrains/Surfaces.
Color (drop list and "+" button)
Color used for Profile, Section, and 3D display. The "+" button opens a dialog box with more color options including control for transparency; Alpha Channel = 255 is opaque, 0 is fully transparent (invisible).
Linetype (drop list)
Linetype used for Profile, Section.
Symbols (drop list)
Symbol of used for Profile, Section.
3D Display
Corridor surfaces and Topo can be displayed in the 3D window; these options control what can be seen.
Display Features (check box))
If set, line work is displayed.
Display Triangles (check box))
If set, TIN triangles will be displayed; if Shade Triangles (below) is not set, only the triangle outlines are displayed.
Shade Triangles (check box))
If set, TIN triangles are shaded. Color transparency (alpha channel) allows surfaces below to be seen.
Action controls
Get defaults (button)
Reads the default settings saved in the Normal.dlt layout file.
Save as default (button)
Saves the current settings to the Normal.dlt layout file. New Location projects will inherit these default settings.
Reset existing (check box)
If this is set, and you exit with the OK button, all existing Corridor surfaces will be modified to match the current settings.