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  • 2.135. Export DWG/DXF/DGN Options
Export DWG/DXF/DGN Options
Autocad (DWG, DXF) and Microstation (DGN) Data Exports are available (Save As function); choose Save as type: "Autocad dxf Format (*.DXF)", "Autocad Drawing (*.DWG)" or "Microstation (*.DGN)". This allows you to export the plan, profile, section and multi-plot windows. All drawings are in model space but Mult-Plot uses paper units (mm or inches).
In general, what you see on your screen will be exported to the CAD format. The elements exported will be placed on various predefined layers.
For more information on line type and symbol conversion, see Autocad Translations File and the Edit Translations dialog.
Allow 3D Polylines (check box)
Selecting this option will assign an elevation to each vertex of all polylines in the exported file. If this option is not selected, polyline vertices will have one shared elevation.
This is useful for DWG/DXF export because Autocad does not always display dashed linetypes correctly on 3D polylines.
If this item, is not checked, curves in the alignment feature will be exported as Autocad ARC entities (for DWG/DXF).
Select one or all of the window types for export. Each window type will be exported to one or more drawing files. Only active windows can be exported (see the Windows menu).
Plan (check box, (+) button)
Enabling the Plan checkbox will create a drawing of the same name you enter in the file name dialog. The entire design is exported in project units.
The plus (+) button opens a dialog box that allows you to include/exclude Terrain backgrounds.
Profile (check box, (+) button)
Enabling the Profile checkbox will create a series of drawings with "-proXX" appended to the name you enter in the file name dialog. The station coordinates will be in project units while the elevation units will in general be distorted.
The plus (+) button opens the Print Profile Options dialog. Use these options to define the virtual page size.
Section (check box, (+) button)
Enabling the Section checkbox will create a series of drawings with "-secXX" appended to the name you enter in the file name dialog. The offset coordinates will be in project units while the elevation units will in general be distorted.
The plus (+) button opens the Print Section Options dialog. Use these options to define the number of sections per page and the virtual page size.
Multi-Plot (check box, (+) button)
Enabling the Multi-Plot checkbox will create a one or more drawings with "-miultiXX" appended to the name you enter in the file name dialog.
The plus (+) button opens Multi-Plot CAD Export Options. Use these options to define units and to control the number of files created.
Station Range
Select Whole Road or enter a range of stations in (L-line coordinates) to export.
Station Range has no effect on the Plan export
Profile and Section output will only include the station range defined here.
Multi-Plot pages that overlap with the defined station range will be exported.