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  • 2.39. D-line System Dialog
D-line System dialog
This dialog box is accessed from the Cable Analysis ribbon, New or Edit control.
This dialog box allows you to assign and configure Logging Systems for the selected feature(s). You should have selected feature(s) that are suitable for Cable Analysis topography; you will be warned if a feature is not straight.
Logging Systems (list box)
Select the desired system from the list box. Information about the selected system is displayed to the right of the list.
NOTE: Create reasonable logging systems before attempting to use Cable Analysis for production. The systems that come with the software are for example only. The available systems can be created, deleted or modified (see Creating a Logging System).
Spar positions
Head Spar (Landing)
Change the tower position (station) and depth of cut (fill is negative) at the landing. Station distances are measured from the beginning of the traverse and are in project units. Cut/fill depths are also in project units.
When multiple features are selected, the Start check box is set by default. Clear this check box to enter a different value.
Haulback Block
Change the position (station) and height of the haulback block. If you select a logging system which does not have a haulback, these controls will be disabled.
When multiple features are selected, the End check box is set by default. Clear this check box to enter a different value.
Skyline Tail Spar
Change the position (station) and height of the skyline tail spar. If you select a logging system which does not have a skyline, such as Highlead, these controls will be disabled.
When multiple features are selected, the End check box is set by default. Clear this check box to enter a different value.
Auto-calc Tail Station (button or check box)
When only one feature is selected, this control is a button. Press this button to optimize the position of the Haulback and/or Tail Spar (the Station controls will be updated to show the optimized position).
When multiple features are selected, this control is a check box. Set this check box to optimize the position of the Haulback and/or Tail Spar after the dialog box closes (the Station controls will be disabled).
Press the associated "+" button to open the D-Line Auto-Tailhold Options dialog. This is where you set the required clearance.
The optimization process finds the Haulback and/or Tail Spar position that maximizes the length of suspended cable closest to the headspar (uninterrupted clearance). The results depend on the Calculation Method and parameters chosen.
Calculation Parameters (button)
Press this button to open the D-Line Calculation Options dialog box.