Project Explorer
The Project Explorer panel allows you to see and organize multiple horizontal alignments where each horizontal alignment can contain one or more vertical alignments. The panel contains:
Status indicator
This graphic indicates when alignments may need to be recalculated. As alignments can depend on each other (because of reference alignments and surfaces) it is sometimes necessary to recalculate all alignments. A yellow sun with no clouds indicates that everything is up to date.
Alignment Tree Control
Each horizontal alignment can be expanded to show it's vertical alignments. The position of an alignment in the tree can be modified with Shift Up and Shift Down context menus (right click on alignment). The order of horizontal alignments is important if reference alignments and/or surfaces are in use. The refereced alignment must be calculated first and should be higher in the list than the alignment refering to it.
Clicking on an alginment will select it as current; only one horizontal/vertical alignment is current indicated by green check marks in the tree control (see image above). This alignment is displayed in all windows and is the alignment that can be edited.
The tree can be further expanded to show information about each of the vertical alignments. This includes optimization constraints and results but also includes some properties applicable to users who are not licensed for vertical optimization (such as borrow/waste pit information). In some cases, a double click on a tree item will open a related dialog box. Selecting various items will add information to the Profile window:
The right click context menu provides access to various commands; the items presented depends on which tree items is selected. For example, Vertical Options is available when you right click on the current vertical alignment. A few of these commands are described below:
Optimization Report (List)
The area at the bottom of the panel lists values for the selected outputs for the current alignment. The list is greyed if the cost of the selected alignment is out of date.
The right click context menu provides access to commands below: