  • 2. html
  • 2.220. Location Insert File
Location Insert File
You can use this function to add alignments from existing Location design projects to you current project.
This function is available from File | Insert or the Home ribbon Insert button. You can also insert a file from the New Horizontal Alignment dialog box.
Acceptable targets
While browsing for files to insert (Location Design: *.DSN or *.DSNX) you should be aware of limitations.
File location
Only target files in the same folder as the current design can be inserted. In general, new files will be added to the current project and they must already be in the current folder.
If your target is not in the correct folder, open it and File | Save As to move it before insert.
Topo Terrains must match
If your target contains an original ground surface Terrain (topo) it must match the topo file from the current alignment (if it exists). There can only be one topo Terrain in a Location design project.
It may make sense to merge your topo Terrain files before insert.
Considerations, warnings
All alignments included
All alignments in the target project will inserted; name collisions are fixed by adding an index to the alignment name (for example "Align 1" may become "Align 1 (2)"). Any alignments you don't want must be deleted after insert.
Background Terrains skipped
Background Terrains (including reference terrains and surfaces) will not be inserted. You must add these manually after insert.
Template tables are merged
In a Location design project, the Template table is shared by all alignments. During the merge process, templates with the same name are not imported from the target template table; imported alignments will simply use the templates in the current project. This is not a problem if the template tables were identical to start with.
There is a warning message displayed after insert if any templates with name collisions have been skipped. Even if corresponding templates are identical, you will be warned.
If templates used in the target alignments are different from those with the same name in the current template table, you can re-name and re-assign your templates (in the target or current project) before insert. The DF default template would have to be duplicated as it can't be re-named.
Ground type tables are merged
In a Location design project, the ground type table is shared by all alignments. During the merge process, ground types with the same name are not imported from the target ground type table; imported alignments will simply use the ground types in the current project.
There is a warning message displayed after insert if any ground types with name collisions have been skipped. If a target ground type has identical properties to the corresponding one in the current project, there is no warning.
If ground types used in the target alignments are different from those with the same name in the current ground type table, you can re-name and re-assign your ground types (in the target or current project) before insert. The OB default ground type would have to be duplicated as it can't be re-named.
Other possible issues; disclaimer
Softree does not guarantee that the inserted alignments will behave exactly as they did in the original target project. Reference features, merged corridor surfaces ond other components may differ.