  • 2. html
  • 2.301. Traverse Entry Options Dialog
Traverse Entry Options dialog
The Traverse Entry Options dialog allows you to customize the traverse screen. Once you have set up the screen, you can save these options for future use with the the File | Save Traverse Screen Layout menu.
Entry and Display Format
Units for Azimuth, Slope
The appropriate units (eg. deg ° min ' sec ") will be reported on all output in Survey/Map and Location p-line display.
Set the format for stationing display.
Set the format for azimuth display.  Azimuths can be formatted as decimal degrees, degrees/minutes, degrees/minutes/seconds, quadrants, or gradients.  See also Horizontal Angle Reference dialog.
Set the format for slope display. Slopes can be shown as percent slope, inclination, zenith, ratio, delta elevation or level elevation.
Field Ref.
The Field Ref column is used to display stationing throughout RoadEng (and Terrain Tools). This combo box allows the stationing to be set to either total horizontal distance (HD), total slope distance (Total-SD), or index.
Entry Order
Tab/Enter Sequence
When you press the <TAB> or <ENTER> keys the cursor moves to the next field in a sequence. This option allows you to control this sequence. You don't need to include all columns in the Tab/Enter sequence.
Top Down
The Traverse Document will be displayed with the stationing increasing from top of the page to the bottom when this option is checked.  Otherwise the display will show the stationing increasing from the bottom of the page to the top.
Automatic Extended Entry
The checkboxes in Automatic Extended Entry will cause the associated dialog box to popup when the cursor is moved into a column.
Azimuth Fore/Back Shots will popup the Foreshot/Backshot dialog whenever you click on Fore Azim or Back Azim fields.
Inst/Target Heights will popup the Height of Instrument/Target dialog whenever you click on the Slope field.
Multiple Side Shots will popup the Side Shots dialog whenever you click on the SSR or SSL fields.
Ground Layers will popup the Ground Layers dialog whenever you click on the GND field.
Auto Input will automaticall popup the Survey Shot dialog whenever you click on the GND field.
Displays the Traverse Window Columns dialog which allows you to select and order the columns for display in the traverse window.  You can also dynamically arrange the columns by clicking and dragging on the column headings.  See Traverse Window Columns.
Allows you to set the column widths for display in the traverse window.  You can dynamically resize the column widths by clicking and dragging between columns on the column headings.
This button displays the Pick List Options dialog which allows you to create lists of common data items to make data entry more efficient.
This button displays the Advanced mode options dialog box which allows you to change the interpretation of the azimuth fields and the way elevation is calculated.
Other Options
Select the Font button to set the screen font. This is useful for setting up print reports.
Save As Default
Selecting the Save As Default will set the default entry mode options for future traverses. NOTE: You can also use the File | Save Traverse Screen Layout to save your customized options.