  • 2. html
  • 2.95. Template Properties Dialog
Template Properties dialog
This dialog box allows you to enter or change template information.  It is accessible from the Template Editor dialog by highlighting a template item from the list and pressing the Add or Modify buttons.
Name of the template.  This field is a unique 4 character identifier.
Brief description of the template.
Include Volumes
If this item is checked, volumes from the template will be calculated and reported. For example in a bridge template you may wish to disable volumes. 
Clicking on the  sign will allow you to disable volume reporting for individual surfaces.
Disable Clearing and Stripping
If this item is checked, clearing and stripping (see Clearing and Stripping) will be disabled.
Crown Slopes
Crown slopes for the template can be entered here.  If super-elevation is applied, and Override with Curve Super (see below) is set the slopes will be transitioned from full crown to full super-elevation and back again.
Override with Curve Super
If set super-elevation based on the curve properties will override the normal crown.
Match existing ground
If set, the origional ground surface (topo) is sampled at an offset distance (default = 2) to determine the existing ground super/crown.