  • 2. html
  • 2.151. Template Assignments Dialog
Template Assignments dialog
This option allows you to assign templates to station ranges along the alignment.
New Range
NOTE: To delete an interval override it with another one.  After modifying an interval, you must click the Add button in order for the changes to be stored.
Template Name
Select the template to apply to this range.  The plus button next to Template Name opens up the Template Table dialog which allows creation and editing of templates.
From Stn
Enter a start station (L-line). If no station is specified, the From Stn is assumed to be the beginning of the road.
To Stn
Enter an ending station (L-line). If no station is specified, the To Stn is assumed to be the end of the road.
This will assign the template to the specified range and display it at the bottom of the dialog box. Note that the template is assigned to the side specified in the Range area: Left, Right or Both. You can Add more than one range, if you wish, before you press OK.
This area displays all template assignments for the whole road. Left and Right assignments can be independent. Highlighting one of the template assignments will allow you to modify the values in the New Range area above.
Left, Both, Right
If you do not wish to assign a template to Both sides of the road at once, select Left or Right before selecting a Template and defining a range.
This will exit the dialog box; In addition, reporting points will be inserted just before (-.5 units) and just after (+.5 units) any boundaries between templates unless the template is a Taper template. For Taper templates a a single reporting point is created at the interval point.
After completing this option the user is prompted to "Recalculate the road alignment? (Yes / No)". If yes response is given, all cross sections will be recalculated. If a template has been inserted and the alignment is not recalculated, cross section and earthwork data will be invalid.
Ignore any changes and exit.
NOTE: To delete a template interval override it with another template (such the default).