  • 2. html
  • 2.100. Reference Features Dialog
Reference Features dialog
Note:  This dialog is available through the Corridor | Options | Features menu.
Reference features are terrain features (points, poly-lines etc) or other alignments.   They can be displayed (projected or intersected) in the Profile, Plan and Section windows or used for template control.
Reference feature sets are associated with a specific horizontal alignment.
NOTE: when using multiple horizontal alignments as reference features, it is possible to create circular or out of order references .
Dialog Box Items
The list box at the top of the dialog box contains a list of reference features.
Definition tab
To create a new reference feature
1) Select the Definition tab.
2) Press the Add Button
3) Choose the Source Alignment or Terrain.
4) Click on the Browse button in the Feature   group and select the desired feature. The feature Name will be displayed and you may type an optional Description. NOte: for Terrain files it is possible to select multiple features.
Profile and Section tabs
Projection (check box)
If checked, the projection of the feature (a polyline) will be displayed in the Section or Profile windows.
Intersection (check box)
If checked, the intersection of the feature (a point) will be displayed in the Section or Profile windows.
Options button
Allows you to select the line and point formatting (color, line type, symbol) as well as the maximum projection offset distance and whether feature name labels should be displayed. 
NOTE: "Ref. Features" must be selected in Profile Options or Section Options.