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  • 2.296. Raima Error Messages
Raima Error Messages
Raima Error Messages are only applicable when reading Softree files created by older versions of the program.  These error messages will not occur during normal use of the program.
The database is not open. S_DBOPEN is returned when the database is not open, by functions that must be called after d_open (e.g., d_iopen). S_DBOPEN is also returned, when the database is open, by functions that must be called before d_open )e.g., d_setpages, d_dbuserid, d_dbfpath, d_dbpath, d_dblog, d_dbtaf).
The set type is invalid. You may have passed a record or field type to a function that requires a set type.
The record type is invalid. You may have passed a set or field type to a function which requires a record type.
The database name is invalid. Function d_open was unable to find dbname.dbf file. Perhaps you did not specify or incorrectly specified the DBDPATH variable; or you are executing from a directory which does not contain the dictionary file. Other functions also return S_INVDB if an incorrect database number is passed to them.
The field type is invalid. You may have passed a set or record type to a function which requires a field type. If the current record is of a type other than the one anticipated, S_INVFLD will result because the field is inappropriate for the current record type.
The database address is invalid. The functions d_crset, d_csoset and d_csmset return S_INVADDR. You may have passed the database address variable by value (e.g., d_crset (dba) ) instead of by reference (e.g.., d_crset (&dba)).
No current record exists. The current record is null. It is only null after d_open (if there"s no system record) and after d_delete and d_disdel.
No current owner exists. The current owner is null. This can occur when d_findfm is called without first having set the current owner (e.g., using function d_setor).
No current member exists. The current member is null.
A key value is required. Function d_makenew returns S_KEYREQD when d_setkey has not previously set all key fields.
Function d_open returns S_BADTYPE when an invalid access type argument is specified. A lock request function returns S_BADTYPE when an invalid lock type is specified.
Function d-delete returns S_HASMEM when the current record is an owner of a non-empty set.
Function d_delete returns S_ISMEM when the current record is a member of a set occurrence.
Function d_connect returns S_ISOWNED when the current record is already connected to the specified set.
An illegal operation using a compound key field was attempted.
A record is not connected to the specified set.
The specified field used in a key operation is not a key field.
The record type is not a legal owner of the specified set. The current record may not be what you think it is. Confirm that the prior Data Manager calls were successful.
The record type is not a legal member of the specified set. Confirm that the prior Data Manager calls were successful.
An invalid parameter was passed to d_setpages, or called after d_open.
Incompatible database dictionaries were specified. S_INCOMPAT is returned from d_open when the dictionary for the specified database is not compatible with the version of the Data Manager runtime that is being executed. You need to rerun ddlp on your DDL specification and then retry your d_open call.
An illegal attempt to delete the system record was made.
An attempt was made to lock a record, set or key type that your application had already locked.
An attempt was made to access or free an unlocked record, set or type. This may occur when attempting to change a field that is included in a sorted set and that set is not locked.
A transaction id was not supplied in a call to d_trbegin. This error is not detectable on some C Compilers.
A transaction was already active. An incremental open cannot be performed during an active transaction. Transactions can not be nested. That is, you cannot begin a new transaction with in an active transaction.
A transaction was not active. An attempt was mad to place a write or keep lock outside of a transaction. Only read locks and exclusive locks can be requested outside of a transaction.
An attempt was made to free a lock inside a transaction is shared mode. Only d_trend or d_trabort can free locks once a transaction has begun
No transaction has been started. An attempt was made to update the data base in shared mode outside a transaction. Database changes can only be made in shared mode from within a transaction.
Exclusive access is required. A database can only be initialized in exclusive access (or one-user-only) mode.
An attempt was made to place a write lock on a static record or file. A database must be opened in exclusive (or one-user-only) mode to modify a static record.
No user id was specified. S_USERID is returned from d_open when no user id is specified. User ids are specified using the DBUSERID environment variable or function d_dbuserid.
The database file or path name is too long. d_open returns S_NAMELEN when the 47 character file name limit has been exceeded. The limit is checked after all complete file specifications have been generated from sources such as environment variables.
An invalid file number was passed to the function d_renfile.
A field specified in an optional key operation (e.g., d_keystore or d_keydel1) is not an optional key field.
A field specified in an optional key operation (e.g., d_keystore or d_keydel1) is not a field in the current record.
Records containing compound keys cannot be created using function d_makenew.
An invalid record or set type was specified. A lock request function returns S_INVNUM when an invalid record or set type was specific.
A record or set is not timestamped. A timestamp function was called for a record or set type which is not being timestamped.
The user id contains invalid characters. Since it is used to create a file name, it must contain only alphanumeric characters or underscores ("_").
This error occurs when NetBIOS cannot be found during a d_open. The computer is not connected to a network, or a NetBIOS emulator has not yet been executed.
The number of elements (paths separated by ";") in DBPATH does not match the number of databases opened. It must either match, or have one or zero elements.
The number of elements (paths separated by ";") in DBFPATH does not match the number of databases opened. It must either match, or have one or zero elements.
This code is returned by d_recnext or d_recprev when a current record type has not been established by a prior call to d_recfirst, d_redlast, or d_recdset.
Function d_mapchar returns S_INVSORT when the specified sort string is longer than 2 characters.
Returned by function d_setfiles when it has been called while a database is open. Returned by function dt_closetask when all of the databases opened in the specified task have not been closed.
Returned when a pointer argument to a Data Manager function is null.
Returned by dt_internals when passed an invalid ID value.
No more space is available on file. See the note in the Reference Manual for description for function d_trend about a technique for dealing with this error under normal operations. However, this error often occurs when an application program bug has corrupted the Data Manager runtime memory.
A system error has occurred. This error generally occurs when the Data manager runtime memory has been corrupted.
A page fault has occurred in virtual memory. This error generally occurs when the Data Manager runtime has been corrupted
No working key file is available. This error generally occurs when the data manager runtime has been corrupted
Your system is unable to allocate sufficient memory. There is not enough available memory for all of the required Data Manager runtime tables. Try calling d_setpages with fewer pages before calling d_ open.
Data Manager is unable to open the specified file. An error occurred when the runtime tried to open a data file, key file, or log file. Usually it"s because the file doesn"t exist. It could, however, be some other error. You can check C"s errno flag for the particular error code. Also, check your file limit in config.sys, and confirm that all files in DDL are on disk.
Data Manager is unable to lock the transaction activity file. If you are running on MS-DOS, be sure you"ve installed SHARE. This error should never occur since it is hugely unlikely that the TAF could remain locked for the amount of time required for this error to be generated. If it does occur, retry your d_trend. Confirm your DBTAF path, and be sure that the TAF file is flagged for read, write and shareable. If the error persists, it may be that the TAF has somehow been deleted.
An error occurred while opening or reading transaction activity file. You can check C"s errno flag for the particular error code. Often, this error can be corrected by making the TAF and/ or log file directories and files readable and writable by multiple users. On a Novell network, for example, the files should be created before an application uses them and their attributes must be set to read, write, and shareable.
Functions d_recfree or d-setfree detected inconsistent database locks. This error generally occurs when the Data Manager run time has been corrupted.
You have reached the maximum records per file limit. First determine if old data can be purged or off-loaded. If so, you"ll need to write a program to do it. If not, you will need to reorganize your database somewhat. If there are multiple record types in the file, you can split them into separate files (using db-REVISE or dbexp and dbimp). You might explore splitting the offending record type into several new record types and dividing the record occurrences based on the content of a principal key field (e.g., all names beginning with A-M in record 1 and those with N-Z in record 2).
A key file inconsistency has been detected. This error generally occurs when the Data Manager runtime memory has been corrupted. Run keybuild if dbcheck reveals a corrupted key file.
The lock manager has detected that the maximum number of concurrent Data Manager users has been reached. The limit can be set or rest through a lock manager command line option. Run set or reset through a lock manager command line option. Run lockmgr with the -u option.
A seek error was returned on a database file. You can check C"s errno flag for the particular error code. If this error occurs during normal operation, it occurred on the log file and could indicate a lack of available disk space. If this error occurs during recovery, it most likely means that the log file has been corrupted. If this happens, the best course of action is to run dbcheck. I no errors are reported, decide whether or not you want to continue. (Data Manager will run smoothly but dbcheck only detects system-dependent inconsistencies, not application-dependent inconsistencies.) If errors are reported, you"ll need to restore from the most recent backup of the data base.
A read error was returned on database file. (see the S_FSEEK discussion above)
A network synchronization error was detected. An invalid message packet was received from the lock manager. There could have been a transmission error. If only one process has received this error, take it down and bring it back up. If this fails to resolve the problem or if other processes are getting the error, take the entire system down including the lock manager and restart. If the error persists, most likely there is an error in your network.
The debugging check process was interrupted. This system error can only be issued from a call to dberr (e.g., dberr (S_DEBUG) ).
A network error occurred. Function neterr has already been called with the network error code, Recovery from this error will depend upon your network. A retry of the operation may be all that is necessary, however. If possible, increase the number of NetBIOS sessions. If the lock manager has failed for some reason (e.g., if lockmgr host has been re-booted), most active Data Manager applications will receive this error. The applications and lock manager will need to be restarted.
The code is returned from a lock request function or d_open whenever an automatic recovery operation occurs. Function dbautorec (defined in dberr.c) called dberr with this error code. It is intended to inform the user that a recovery operation occurred.
A write error on database file has occurred. (See the S_FSEEK discussion).
Data Manager was unable to open lock manager session. The lock manager has not been installed. Install it and restart the application program.
The user id process is being used by another process on the system. If you are using a DBUSERID that has been used on another workstation, it may be necessary to run cleardb on the previous workstation to remove the DBUSERID from the NetBIOS name table.
The lock manager is busy. Retry the request. Try increasing the number of users (via the -u option) when running the lock manager. Also, if this error is followed by an S_NETERR error, your local NetBIOS session table may be full. Contact Softree for more information
On Microsoft Windows, Data Manager has attempted to lock a discarded memory page.
On OS/2, Data Manager is unable to open the "VISTASEM" semaphore.