Working with Text
Label display is enabled or disabled from Plan Options, Section Options and Profile Options. These functions allow you to control the display and formatting of labels through the Label Selection and Formatting dialog.
There are two types of labels:
Feature Labels
These labels are attached to a feature (L-line, P-line etc.) point. If the point is deleted then the label is also deleted. Feature labels are either automatically calculated (eg. station or elevation) or consist of text stored with the feature (eg. traverse comments). It is not possible to change the text in Feature Labels without changing the underlying feature.
Floating Labels
These labels are not associated with any specific feature. They can be created using the mouse in either the Plan or Profile Windows. The floating labels can be changed by double clicking on the label while in Edit Label Mode.
To select a label with the mouse:
1. Choose menu Home | Tool Selection | Edit Label Tool or click on the Edit Label button on the Mode Toolbar.
2. The Edit Labels Cursor will appear.
3. Move the Edit Labels Cursor over the label you wish to edit and click the left mouse button. The label is now selected and 2 handles will appear (one at the beginning of the text and the other at the end).
To move or rotate a label:
1. A selected label will appear with 2 handles (small square boxes). When you move the cursor over the label its shape will change to a 4 sided arrow called the move cursor.
2. When the move cursor is active, click and drag, the label will be repositioned. Note the anchor point will remain fixed.
3. When a label is selected and the cursor is moved over the orientation handle the cursor changes shape to the orientation cursor (semi circle with 2 arrows)
Click and drag when the orientation cursor is active. You will notice the label will be rotated and offset from the position handle.
To change the properties of a label: (available only in Plan and Profile Windows)
1. Activate the Plan or Profile window by clicking on the title bar.
2. Select menu Home | Tool Selection | Edit Label Tool or click on the Edit Label button on the Mode Toolbar.
3. Double Click on the label when the move cursor is active. The Label Selection and Formatting dialog will appear. If the label is a Floating Label you may change the the text.
C. ADDING A FLOATING LABEL (Plan and Profile Windows only)
To add a floating label using the mouse:
1. Activate the Plan (or Profile) window by clicking on the title bar.
2. Select menu Home | Tool Selection | Edit Label Tool or click on the Edit Label button on the Mode Toolbar.
3. The cursor should be in the shape of a pencil with the characters ABC in the lower right corner.
4. Move the cursor into the middle of the plan window (or profile) and left click the mouse. The Label Selection and Formatting dialog will appear. Type in "Begin End Haul" in the edit box and press OK.
5. The "Begin End Haul" text will appear in the plan window.
To change the text of a floating label:
1. Select the label you wish to change (see above).
2. Double Click on the label when the move cursor is active. The Label Selection and Formatting dialog will appear. If the label you have selected is a Floating Label you may change the text otherwise you are only allowed to modify its format.