Data and Status Window Fields
The following is a list of available fields for display as columns in the Data and Status Windows.  To add any of these fields to the Data Window, press the Columns button on the Data Window Options dialog or Section Window Options dialog .
Clr A. - Clearing area (plan view area). See Clearing and Stripping for more information on clearing limits.  Available in the Data Window only.
Cut A. - Total cross sectional area of cut (after stripping). NOTE: this value has expansion/compaction factors applied.
Fill A. - Total cross sectional area of fill (after stripping). This field doesn't include surfacing materials. NOTE: this value has expansion/compaction factors applied.
Lyr1 A. - Cross sectional area of cut material in layer 1 (not including stripping). NOTE: this value has expansion/compaction factors applied.
Lyr2 A. - Cross sectional area of cut material in layer 2 (not including stripping). NOTE: this value has expansion/compaction factors applied.
Lyr3 A. - Cross sectional area of cut material in layer 3 (not including stripping). NOTE: this value has expansion/compaction factors applied.
Roadway Materials 1-16 - Areas of road surfacing materials 1-16. These materials have user defined names see also Roadway materials
Seed A. - Surface area between road edge (at subgrade) and the slope stake position. See Seeding Area for more information. NOTE: Set SeedDitch=1 in registry to include the ditch slope or set to 0 to exclude.   Available in the Data Window only.
Strip A. - Cross sectional area of stripped material. (See Clearing and Stripping for more information).  Available in the Data Window only.
Field Appraisal
The “Field Appraisal” attributes are a collection of attributes sometimes used as inputs for bank height appraisal systems. The attributes themselves reflect measurements to/from points in the road cross section geometry. How the user configures their design may influence what attribute should be reported to correspond with what they intend to report. Furthermore, appraisal system my change and evolve overtime, the user is encouraged to verify that the definitions used for attribute measurements match the current appraisal system definition they wish to comply with.
Lyr(i) Cut L Dx - the horizontal offset from the top of finished grade at CL to the left intersection of the template and layer i. If the template intersects more than once, then the point furthest from C/L is reported See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Bank Ht. L - the left vertical offset measured from the top of finished grade at CL and the interface between Ground layer 1 and Ground layer 2. If the template intersects more than once, then the point furthest from C/L is reported. See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations. .
Lyr2 Cut L Dy - the left vertical offset measured from the top of finished grade at CL and the interface between Ground layer 2 and Ground layer 3. If the template intersects more than once,then the point furthest from C/L is reported See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Lyr(i) Cut R Dx - the horizontal offset from the top of finished grade at CL to the left intersection of the template and layer i. If the template intersects more than once, then the point furthest from C/L is reported See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Bank Ht. L - the left vertical offset measured from the top of finished grade at CL and the interface between Ground layer 1 and Ground layer 2. If the template intersects more than once, then the point furthest from C/L is reported. See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations. .
Lyr2 Cut R Dy - the right vertical offset measured from the top of finished grade at CL and the interface between Ground layer 2 and Ground layer 3. If the template intersects more than once,then the point furthest from C/L is reported See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Lyr(i) L Ht. % - the percent layer i left side material based on height to bottom of the ditch. See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Lyr(i) R Ht. % - the percent layer i right side material based on height to bottom of the ditch. See Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations.
Rock Ht. L - This attribute tracks rock total face height. This is the total height measured from finished grade at CL. It includes all sub-surface layers with ground type assigned as Bedrock (For more information about Bedrock see Ground Types Editor). Stripping is excluded. Also see Rock Height Calculation.
Rock Ht. R - This attribute tracks rock total face height measured from finished grade at CL. It includes all sub-surface layers with ground type assigned as Bedrock (For more information about Bedrock see Ground Types Editor). Stripping is excluded. Also see Rock Height Calculation.
Rock Cut - the thickness of rock cut measured from sub-grade at CL. Sub-surface layers are considered to be rock if the ground type assigned is Bedrock  (For more information about Bedrock see Ground Types Editor). Stripping is excluded. See also Rock Cut C/L Calculation.
Cul Ht - Culvert height in meters or feet (depending on project units).  Applies only to box, pipe arch, and open bottom arch culverts.
Cul Wd. - Culvert width. This field is applicable to box, pipe arch, and open bottom arch culverts. For more information see Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul Cmt - Culvert Comment. This field is set in the Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul DIA. - Culvert diameter in mm. or inches (depending on the current project units).
Cul Dip - Culvert dip angle measured from horizontal in % slope. For more information see Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul Fill - Depth of fill from top of culvert to the template alignment point (for the default template this is sub-grade).   For more information see Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul Len  - Culvert length in project units. For more information see Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul Len L - Culvert length to left of center line
Cul Len R - Culvert length to right of center line
Cul Skew - Culvert skew angle measured from the L-line (0-180 clockwise). For more information see Culvert Editor Panel .
Cul Vol - Volume of culvert
Cul LenB - Length of buried or underground portion of culvert
Cul Area - Cross sectional area of the culvert.
Inlet X - X Coordinate at bottom center of culvert inlet
Inlet Y  - Y Coordinate at bottom center of culvert inlet
Inlet Z - Z Coordinate at bottom center of culvert inlet
Outlet X - X Coordinate at bottom center of culvert outlet
Outlet Y - Y Coordinate at bottom center of culvert outlet
Outlet Z - Z Coordinate at bottom center of culvert outlet
H.Rad - Horizontal curve radius.  Available in the Data Window only.
K - Vertical curve K - factor (length of curve / grade change).  Available in the Data Window only.
Super L - left superelevation slope.  Available in the Data Window only.
Super R - right superelevation slope.  Available in the Data Window only.
Delta Az - Change in azimuth between begin curve (BC) and end curve (EC).  Available in the Data Window only.
Design Parameters
Fill Gnd - Ground type used for fill material at the reported station.
Pt. Num - Point number in location database
Pt. Type - Point type P = Plan, G = Profile (grade), R = Report.
Plan Scale - Plan window scale. Available in the Status Window only.
Pro. H. Scale - Profile horizontal scale.  Available in the Status Window only.
Pro. V. Scale - Profile vertical scale.  Available in the Status Window only.
Ground Layers
Gnd Elev. - Elevation of the original ground at centerline (l-line).
Lyr1 Dp. - Depth of layer 1 at the p-line location.
Lyr1 Gnd - Layer 1 ground type.
Lyr2 Dp. - Depth of layer 2 at the P-line location.
Lyr2 Gnd - Layer 2 ground type.
Lyr3 Gnd - Layer 3 ground type.
L-Ssl - Ground slope at L-line.  1st slope or average slope left (see Module Setup dialog General Tab).
L-Ssr - Ground slope at L-line.  1st slope or average slope right (see Module Setup dialog General Tab).
Azimuth - Direction of segments between plan points on the L-line. The angle format matches that set in the Survey/Map - Entry Mode option (see Online help for more information). A 'c' in front of the azimuth indicates a horizontal curve in this case the azimuth reported is from the tangent.  Available in the Data Window only.
CL Elev - Elevation of the designed road centerline (L-line).
Cl X - Easting of the designed road centerline (L-line).
Cl Y - Northing of the designed road centerline (L-line).
Cut Dp. - Vertical offset from designed subgrade to ground (on the L-line). If negative subgrade is above ground (fill).  
Cut Dp1. - Vertical offset from the designed subgrade to the bottom of layer 1 (on the L-line). If negative subgrade is above bottom of layer 1. Available in the Data Window only.
Grade - Grade percent between reported stations. The grade between points on a vertical curve is an average value. In this case the grade value will be preceded by a 'p' indicating parabola. Available in the Data Window only.
Grd. Lst % - Grade percent to last station.  Available in the Status Window only.
Grd. Nxt % - Grade percent to next station.  Available in the Status Window only.
HD - Horizontal distance measured along the L-line. This field is equivalent to the difference between L-line stations. Available in the Data Window only.
H. Brk - Horizontal change in azimuth (degrees) between plan L-line points. Available in the Data Window only.
H. Offset - Horizontal distance from P-line to L-line, measured from the P-line to the L-line. A negative offset indicates that the L-line is left of the P-line (looking along the centerline in the direction of increasing stations).
L-Stn - L-Line station. Cumulative horizontal distance along the L-line.
Srf Elev - Elevation of final surface at centerline.  NOTE:  this value only applies if you are using the default RoadWay template object.
V.Brk - Vertical change in grade % between profile points.  Available in the Data Window only.
V.Offset - Vertical offset from ground at P-line to the subgrade at L-line. If this value is negative the subgrade at L-line is below the P-line ground elevation.
L-Tot.SD - Cummulative slope distance measured along the L-line.
Comment - Comments entered in the Traverse document Label column.
Field ref - Stations (HD, Slope Dist or Index) determined from station equations.  See the Station Equations dialog in Survey Help module.
Index - Station Index from the traverse document. See Online help for Survey/Map help for more information.
P-Stn - P-line station (this applies only to designs which have a p-line).
RS1 Az. - Reference shot 1 azimuth. This is the azimuth of first side shot (type SS) at a station.  Available in the Data Window only.
RS1 Cmt. - Reference shot 1 comment text.  Available in the Data Window only.
RS1 HD - Reference shot 1 horizontal distance. This is the horizontal distance of first side shot (type SS) at a station.  Available in the Data Window only.
RS2 Az. - Reference shot 2 azimuth. This is the azimuth of second side shot (type SS) at a station. Available in the Data Window only.
RS2 Cmt. - Reference shot 2 comment text. Available in the Data Window only.
RS2 HD - Reference shot 2 horizontal distance. This is the horizontal distance of second side shot (type SS) at a station.  Available in the Data Window only.
RS3 Az. - Reference shot 3 azimuth. This is the azimuth of third side shot (type SS) at a station. Available in the Data Window only.
RS3 Cmt. - Reference shot 3 comment text. Available in the Data Window only.
RS3 HD - Reference shot 3 horizontal distance. This is the horizontal distance of third side shot (type SS) at a station.  Available in the Data Window only.
Ssl - Ground side slope left % (1st or average shot - see Module Setup dialog General Tab).
Ssr - Ground side slope right % (1st or average shot - see Module Setup dialog General Tab).
P-Tot.SD - Cummulative slope distance measured along the P-line.
Slope stakes
Clr L - Slope distance from centerline to the left clearing limit. This is an approximation based on the assumption that the ground slope is constant. See Clearing and Stripping for more information on clearing limits.
Clr L X - Horizontal distance from road centerline to left clearing limit. See Clearing and Stripping for more information on clearing limits.
Clr R - Horizontal distance from road centerline to right clearing limit. This is an approximation based on the assumption that the ground slope is constant. See Clearing and Stripping for more information on clearing limits.
Clr R X - Horizontal distance from road centerline to right clearing limit. See Clearing and Stripping for more information on clearing limits.
F Slope L - Final slope on the left before slope stake. Fill is negative.  Available in the Data Window only.
F Slope R - Final slope on the right before slope stake. Fill is negative.  Available in the Data Window only.
Hinge L X - Horizontal distance from L-line to left hinge point (top of fill or outside bottom of the ditch) See Hinge Points.
Hinge L Y - Vertical distance from L-line to left hinge point (top of fill or outside bottom of the ditch). See Hinge Points.
Hinge R X - Horizontal distance from L-line to right hinge point (top of fill or outside bottom of the ditch). See Hinge Points.
Hinge R Y - Vertical distance from L-line to right hinge point (top of fill or outside bottom of the ditch). See Hinge Points.
P-Clr L - Slope distance to left clearing limit from the P-line.
P-Clr R - Slope distance to right clearing limit from the P-line.
P-Stk L - Slope distance to left slope stake from the P-line.
P-Stk R - Slope distance to right slope stake from the P-line.
Stk L - Slope distance from road center line (on the ground) to left slope stake position.
Stk L X - Horizontal distance from road center line (L-line) to left slope stake position.
Stk L Y - Vertical distance from road center line (L-line) to left slope stake position.
Stk R - Slope distance from road center line (on the ground) to right slope stake position.
Stk R X - Horizontal distance from road center line to right slope stake position.
Stk R Y - Vertical distance from road center line to right slope stake position.
Template Parameters
Rd. Wd. - Total road width (includes left and right sides).
Rd. Wd. L. - Horizontal distance from L-line to left edge of sub-grade.
Rd. Wd. R - Horizontal distance from L-line to right edge of sub-grade.
Ditch D L - Ditch depth left from subgrade to bottom of the ditch.  NOTE: This field only applies to the Standard Ditch template object.   Available in the Data Window only.
Ditch D R - Ditch depth right from subgrade to bottom of the ditch.  NOTE: This field only applies to the Standard Ditch template object.   Available in the Data Window only.
Ditch W L - Left ditch width across the bottom.  NOTE: This field only applies to the Standard Ditch template object.   Available in the Data Window only.
Ditch W R - Left ditch width across the bottom.  NOTE: This field only applies to the Standard Ditch template object.   Available in the Data Window only.
Tmpl - Template identifier (see Templates for more information).
Tmpl L - Left Template Identifier. This template is applied to the left section of the prism only
Tmpl R - Right Template Identifier. This template is applied to the right section of the prism only.
NOTE:  Additional template parameters are available depending on the templates you have assigned.  Descriptions of these parameters should be displayed in the dialog box. For more information on these parameters consult your the documentation for your specific template object .
Template Codes
The following values can be reported for selected template point codes (see Template Codes dialog for more information  on Data/Status template point codes).
HOff - horizontal offset from centerline (l-line).
VOff - vertical offset from centerline (l-line).
X,Y,Elev - coordinates of the point code
Len - Is the horizontal distance between previous (or next) points measured at the point code.
Grade - Is the slope % between previous (or next) points measured at the point code.
Volumes General
B/W Vol - Borrow or waste volume (waste is negative) see Borrow and Waste dialog for more information.  Available in the Data Window only.
Cut V. - Total cut volume including expansion between reported stations (stripping not included). This value is equivalent to the sum of the stratum layer volumes Lyr1 V., Lyr2 V and Lyr3 V.  Available in the Data Window only.
Fill V. - Total fill volume including expansion between reported stations.  Available in the Data Window only.
Lyr1 V. - Layer 1 cut volume including expansion (see Expansion/compaction) between reported stations.  Available in the Data Window only.
Lyr2 V. - Layer 2 cut volume including expansion (see Expansion/compaction) between reported stations.  Available in the Data Window only.
Lyr3 V. - Layer 3 cut volume including expansion (see Expansion/compaction) between reported stations.  Available in the Data Window only.
Mass H. - Cumulative total of cut and fill volume (excluding stripping). Borrow and waste volumes are excluded.  Available in the Data Window only.
Roadway Materials 1-16 - Fill volumes for road surfacing materials 1-16. These materials have user defined names see also Roadway materials .  Available in the Data Window only.
Strip V. - Volume of stripped material. This volume is not included in cut volumes (Cut V., Lyr1 V., Lyr 2 V, Lyr3 V.) (See Clearing and Stripping for more information).  Available in the Data Window only.
Volumes Optihaul^
This category displays materials volumes as determined by the Opti-haul calculation. This allows fill volumes to be more accurately reported. Fields in this category require Re-Cost^."
Mass-Haul^ - Mass-haul volume as determined by Opti-haul calculation.
XX - Cut^ - Cut volume for material XX as determined by Opti-haul calculation.
XX - Fill^ - Fill volume for material XX as determined by Opti-haul calculation.