  • 2. html
  • 2.319. Compatibility with Previous Versions
Compatibility with Previous Versions
Version 4.0 compatibility with Version 3.1x
Traverse documents created by previous versions of the software can be opened in Version 4.0.  The *.db1, *.db2, *.db3, *.ky1, *.ky2 files are converted into *.tr1 format.
Traverse documents saved in TR1 format can not be read by previous versions of the software.  In order to read a Version 4.0 traverse in a previous version of the software you must export the TR1 file to Softree ASCII Traverse File Format
Version 3.1x compatibility with Version 2.1
In general, traverse documents and map documents created in RoadEng Version 3.1x are backward compatible with traverses created in RoadEng Version 2 with the following exceptions. These fields are fully or partly ignored when they are read into Version 2.1.