  • 2. html
  • 2.204. Moving an Existing Reporting Point
Moving an Existing Reporting Point
To move an Existing Reporting Point:
1. Activate the window in which you want to work (Plan or Profile). When the window is activated, it will be on top of the other windows and its title bar will be highlighted.
NOTE: If the window you are working in does not have report points displayed you should turn them on in the Plan | Plan Options(Profile | Profile Options) menu. This will allow you to find reporting points.
2. If you are already in Add Reporting Points Mode your cursor will appear as a pencil with a "?" and you can skip step 3.
3. Select Home | Tool Selection | Add/Edit Report Pt. Tool or click on the Add/Edit Report Pt. button on the Mode Toolbar.  You are now ready to edit a Reporting Point.
5. Position the cursor over an existing point and it will change to a box cursor. Click the left button on the mouse. If a point is found inside the cursor box it will be selected for editing. The point will be attached to the mouse (the point is captured) and will move where the mouse goes. As you move the mouse you will notice that the cursor "slides" along the alignment. Since reporting points do not change the alignment, they are constrained to lie on the L-line.
6. To anchor the point, click the left mouse button again.
NOTE: You can press the <ESC> or <DEL> keys while in capture mode, this will replace or remove the captured point.
NOTE: If you click the right mouse button while in capture mode, the cross section, data and status windows will be updated and you will still remain in capture mode.