Layer Operations dialog
This dialog allows you to create a new layer. The following options are available.
a) Create a new empty layer
b) Create a new layer by copying an existing layer
c) Create a new layer as a minium or maximum of 2 layers
d) Reload a layer from its original state (surface or template).
Destination Layer
Specifies the destination of the copy.
Apply to All Sections
If selected, the copy operation will be applied to all fixed sections.
Vertical Offset
A vertical offset can be applied to shift the layer vertically if the Copy Layer option is selected.
Horizontal Extents
If Restrict range inside layer is selected, the copy operation will only apply where the specified layer is defined.
If All Layer 1 OR Layer 2 is selected, the copy operation will apply where either Layer 1 or Layer 2 is defined.
If Overlap Layer 1 AND Layer 2 is selected, the copy operation will apply where both Layer 1 or Layer 2 are defined.