IPD File Format
IPD files (*.ipd) were created to transfer traverse information from Terrain Field (iPad field application). It is an ASCII format which is similar to the Softree ASCII format.
An IPD File consists of a series of comma delimited fields. Each record corresponds to a station and ends with a Carriage Return (CR) Line Feed (LF). When the file is read, the first record is used to determine the version number. The version number should occupy the first 5 bytes of the first record and should contain the version number e.g. "V7". Some fields are optional and can be omitted but a comma delimiter must still be included. The following fields are included in each record.
C/L Fields
STATION The cumulative horizontal distance. This field is optional, it is only used to determine the start station. All stations after the first station are calculated from the horizontal distance field.
The foreshot azimuth in decimal degrees measured from north in the range (0-360)
BACKSHOT AZIMUTH (optional). The backshot azimuth in decimal degrees measured from north in the range (0-360). This angle should be adjusted to match the sign and angular orientation of the previous foreshot azimuth.
HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (HD) (not required if SD included)
Horizontal distance corresponding to the foreshot.
-Set TYPE to 0 if HD is used (see TYPE field).
SLOPE DISTANCE (SD) (not required if HD included)
Slope distance corresponding to the foreshot.
-Set TYPE to 16 if SD is used (see TYPE field).
Slope percent.
LABEL 1 (optional)
'At station' label
LABEL 2 (optional)
'Between station' label. No longer used this field is included for backward compatibility.
X (optional)
X coordinate not used on import unless the point is absolute.
Y (optional)
Y coordinate not used on import unless the point is absolute.
Z (optional)
Z coordinate not used on import unless the point is absolute.
TYPE (optional)
Type flag
set to 0
add 3 if station is XY absolute.
add 4 if station is Z absolute.
add 8 if shot is an IFS.
add 16 if SD is used.
add 64 if shot is a deflection angle as opposed to an absolute bearing.
add 128 if elevation difference entered instead of a % slope.
add 512 if shot is a radial side shot.
CREEK (optional)
Creek information consists of 6 subfields separated by a
lower case 'x' character. Creek information is in the form
{sizeY} = diameter of pipe or height for box (diameter in mm. or inches , height in meters or feet)
{sizeX} = width of box in meters or feet. Left empty then a pipe is assumed pipe.
{Gradient} = downstream gradient in slope % (optional parameter)
{Az} = downstream azimuth in decimal degrees (optional parameter).
{Flag} = culvert orientation (gradient and direction) information (optional parameter)
- 0 gradient and direction are explicitly set
- 1 if downstream is perpendicular right to the p-line.
- 3 if downstream is perpendicular left to the p-line
- 5 if downstream is automatically determined from side shots.
{SD} = slope distance used to measure gradient if the slope entry mode is elevation difference otherwise this field is ignored.
The foreshot azimuth of a single reference shot in decimal degrees measured from north in the range (0-360). This field is ignored for import (it is redundant with the RS field and retained only for backward compatibility with previous versions).
The horizontal distance to a single shot reference. This field is ignored for import(it is redundant with the RS field and retained only for backward compatibility with previous versions)
GROUND TYPE LAYER 1 (optional)
2 Character ground type identifier for top layer.
Centerline depth for layer 1.
GROUND TYPE LAYER 2 (optional)
2 Character ground type identifier for 2nd layer.
Centerline depth for layer 2
GROUND TYPE LAYER 3 (optional)
2 Character ground type identifier for 3rd layer
Height of instrument in project units
Height of target in project units.
Perpendicular SIDE SHOTS LEFT(optional)
These records contain perpendicular side shots. See perpendicular SIDE SHOTS FIELDS for a description of these fields. NOTE the number of side shots must be the same for all records in the file and must be the same for right and left.
Perpendicular SIDE SHOTS RIGHT(optional)
These records contain perpendicular side shots. See perpendicular SIDE SHOTS FIELDS for a description of these fields. NOTE the number of side shots must be the same for all records in the file and must be the same for right and left.
TP FLAGS LEFT(optional)
This field indicates if a perpendicular side shot is a TP
(turning point). This flag is 0 if all side shots are TP's.
Add 2^(J-1). If side shot J isn't a turning point.TP FLAGS RIGHT
(optional)This field indicates if a perpendicular side shot is a TP
(turning point). This flag is 0 if all side shots are TP's.
Add 2^(J-1) if side shot J isn't a turning point.
Perpendicular Side Shot Fields
SSL 1 SLOPE PERCENT1 (optional)
SSL 1 DEPTH LAYER 1 (optional)
SSL 1 DEPTH LAYER 2 (optional)
SSL 1 CODE (optional)
SSL n SLOPE PERCENT1 (optional)
SSL n DEPTH LAYER 1 (optional)
SSL n DEPTH LAYER 2 (optional)
SSL n CODE (optional)
For each side the following fields are included -Slope Distance -Slope Percent - Depth of Layer 1 - Depth of Layer 2
1) each side shot must have a non zero slope distance entry except the last which must be 0.
2) A maximum of 25 side shots
3) Each side shot can be an intermediate shot or a turning point determined by the TP Flag
4) Side shots are assumed to be perpendicular to the traverse centerline.
NOTE: Distances and slopes are measured from last TP. This is different from the Softree ASCII File.