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  • 2.148. Clearing and Stripping
Clearing and Stripping
Stripping and clearing parameters can be specified for different intervals along the road see using the Site Prep Assignments dialog.
The Location module will allow you to control the width of clearing by specifying parameters for both the right and left sides of the road. The clearing width is calculated in two ways. Whichever method is greater is used.
Minimum Width - offset on either side of the road for clearing measured from the road centerline (L-line).
Minimum Offset from Slope Stakes - This is a horizontal offset measured from the slope stake position.
The clearing are is reported in the Data window under the heading "Clr. A".
Overburden Stripping
Stripping can be controlled for both sides of the cross section (left and right).  Stripping is done from the inside offset to the outside offset.  The first image below shows stripping with the inside set to 0 offset from CL and the outside set to 0 offset from Slope stake.  The second image below shows stripping with the inside set to 0 offset from code RE and the outside outside set to 0 offset from Slope stake. 
If overburden stripping is done the stripped surface is removed before volume calculations are done. Overburden volumes are excluded from the Cut Volumes (Cut V., Lyr1 V., Lyr2 V and Lyr3 V.) and Mass Haul.
NOTE: Stripping will not extend below the bottom of the first stratum layer. The stripping depth will be the depth of layer one or the Overburden Removal depth parameter entered in the Site Prep Assignments dialog whichever is least.