  • 2. html
  • 2.287. Survey Information Dialog
Survey Information dialog
The Survey Information dialog is accessed from the Traverse | Traverse Options menu.  It is also accessible from the Traverse | Current Field menu when the cursor is in the Station, Index, or Total-SD columns. 
It allows you enter or edit the following optional information:
Description of the traverse.
Survey Crew.
Block or survey identifier.
Survey date.
Start Station
Enter the start station of the traverse (subsequent stations are calculated based on accumulated horizontal distance).
Station ID
This field prefixes the station index e.g. if this is set to "TP" then station index would be reported TP1, TP2 etc.
Start Index
This is the start index for station index calculation. Eg if this is set to 100, station indices will be reported as 100, 101, 102 etc.
Initial Backshot
Enter the initial backshot for a theodolite survey here. This field is only used if the Azimuth is set to Turning angles. See Fore Right and Horizontal Angle Reference dialog for more information.
The following fields are automatically calculated and can not be edited.
Total horizontal distance of the traverse.
Number of Shots
Total number of shots including radial side shots and IFS shots.
This field is displayed only if the traverse is closed.
Closing Error %
This field is displayed only if the traverse has been closed. The Closing Error is defined as the (deviation length]) / ( total length of the traverse).
Station Equation
This button pops up the Station Equations dialog allowing you to add and edit station equations for your alignment.