Banding Options
The Banding Options are accessed through the Section Window Options dialog Section | Section Options
Adds a new band row.
Deletes the currently selected band row.
Shift Up
Shifts a band row up vertically.
Shift Down
Shifts a band row down vertically.
Allows you to set the title of a band row.
Allows you to set the attribute of a band row. The following atributes are available:
- Elevation - elevation of the selected surface
- HOffset - horizontal offset measured from centerline
- Code - template point code
- Slope - slope of surface in design slope units (typically %)
- VOffset - vertical offset of measured from centerline
- Elevation Difference (S - S1) - this is the elevation difference between Surface and Surface 2. E.g. fill height or cut depth
Allows you to set the surface of a band row.
Surface 2
Allows you to set the second surface. The combo box is only available if Attribute is set to Elevation Difference (S - S1)
Include surface points as columns (checkbox)
If checked, points from the surface will be included in the columns. At least one surface must be included.
Allow surface points to be thinned
If checked, points from the surface will be thinned based on the Mimimum distance thinning (see below).
Row Height (char)
Allows you set the height of each row in characters.
Allows you to change row text color.
Horizontal Sampling (Columns)
Additional Interval Points / Spacing
If enabled, additional fixed spacing sample points will be added.
Minimum distance thinning
Each layered is thinned independently. Neighbouring points closer than this minimum distance (project units) will be skipped. The applies in both dimensions horizontal and vertical. Thinning is only applied to layers which have Allow surface points to be thinned (see above).
NOTE: Thinning will never be applied to points at the surface extents (e.g. slope stakes) and at centerline.
If staggering is enabled, label columns will be automatically shifted, so they don't overlap.
Stagger Height (chars)
This option allows you to height of the stagger area.
Other Options
Borders and Dividers
This option allows you to enable and disable border and dividers lines. Internal are inside the banding strip External are connect the bads with the section surfaces.