Culverts are created and edited with the Culvert Editor Panel. If you create a Location design from a P-Line traverse, culverts are automatically inserted at all creek locations in the traverse on File-New.
Culvert Properties
The following characteristics of the culvert can be defined:
The Culvert Editor Panel allows you to add, edit or remove culverts.
Culvert Station
Culvert location is defined by L-Station. 
Note that the L-Line station of a culvert will change when horizontal alignment is modified; the physical location of the culvert will not change unless the alignment is modified near the culvert. If the horizontal alignment is changed near the culvert, the physical location must change and (if a P-Line is defined) the P-Line station of the culvert will also change by a small amount.
Culvert Types
There are 2 types of culverts, Stream Crossings and Cross Drains. The Natural channel (stream) check box in the in the Culvert Add dialog and Culvert Properties dialog allows you to choose which type for a new or existing culvert.
These two categories are for organizational purposes; as Creek Crossing and Cross Drain culverts will have different properties (e.g. culvert diameter and vertical placement), there is a separate default setting for each type.
Section Window Display
The display of culvert in section window can be configured (see Section Window Options dialog) to show the perpendicular projection of culvert length, and gradient.
    Figure 1. Section Display of Culvert
    Figure 2. Section Display Projection
Plan Window Display
The display of culverts in plan view will show the skew, length and flow direction
(see Plan Window Options dialog for more information).
    Figure 3. Plan Display of Culvert
Profile Window Display
The display of culvert in profile view will show the cross section to scale. Note pipes, pipe arches, and open bottom arches will have a distorted shape because of a distorted scale (different horizontal and vertical scales).
(see Profile Window Options dialog for more information).
    Figure 4. Profile Display of Culvert