  • 2. html
  • 2.110. LandXML File Format
LandXML File Format
The Landxml File Format is an XML file containing design information for the horizontal and vertical alignments, and surface data. It can be used for interchanging design information with other software packages or as a backup format for archive purposes.
Exporting LandXML files
Horizontal Alignments groupbox - Provides for selection of one or more alignments. The "+" button allows for selection of individual alignments.
Alignment checkbox - If selected, the current horizontal and associated vertical alignment will be included.
Corridor Surfaces Include checkbox - If selected, a LandXML TIN surface for each corridor surface will be included.
Cross Section(s) Include checkbox - If selected, cross sections (CrossSectSurf) will be included.
Layers combobox - allows you to choose the template surface for cross section output.
Offset - is used to control the section width. The offset can be measured from C/L (centerline) or from SS (Slope stake).
The following options are only available if "Cross Sections" is selected.
Alignment point types - allows you to choose which type of points are included in Cross Section output. See also Alignment Point Types for more infomation.
Include alignment attachment point layer - if selected a single point representing the alignment attachment is included in each cross section.
Point Codes - if points codes are selected then only those points will be included in the cross section.
Auto identify critical points - if checked, colinear points are removed (unless they are explicitely selected by code) and non colinear segments are always included.
Always include C/L point - if checked, a C/L point will be included corresponding to the selected layer(s).
Single polyline output - if checked, points will be assembled into a single polyline feature and in left to right order.
Importing LandXML files
Landxml surfaces and alignments can be read into Location using the New Location function and selecting Landxml (*.XML) as the file type.
For more information regarding the Landxml File Format, see