Alignment Setup
This is available as a tab on the Location Setup dialog box available from the Setup Ribbon.
Start Station (edit box, button)
If changed the L-Line will be re-stationed to start at the entered value. Clicking on the button allows you to set the start for Cummulative Slope Distance stationing.
SectSection Extension
Extend Ground (check box and button)
Set this check box to extend the draped ground cross section beyond the edge of the original ground Terrain surface (Topo). Press the accociated button for more options in Section Extrapolate Ground Options.
This has no effect on P-Line designs (designs without an associated Topo surface).
This operation will fail on cross sections where the alignment centerline is not on the Terrain surface.
Disable fast draping (check box )
Draped cross section surfaces are extracted from Terrain surfaces; the most common ones are the original ground surface and sub-hrizons below ground. If un-checked, processing cross sections is faster, however, draped surfaces must extend across the centerline. Disabling fast drape should be used if surfaces don't cross centerline (this is often the case with as-built surveys and sub-horizon surfaces created from localized geo-technical data).
File name and Browse (button)
If a P-Line traverse is accociated with the current alignment, the file name will be displayed here. Use the Browse button to change the file or add one if there is currently no associated file.
Between (radio button)
If selected, all surveyed station properties (i.e. Ground Layers, Side shots, and Ground types) will apply to cross sections closest to the surveyed point.
Ahead (radio button)
If selected, station properties will apply to cross sections up to the next surveyed point.
Terrains/Surfaces (button)
This button will open the Reference Terrains/Surfaces, dialog box, allowing you add and configure of reference Terrain files and Corridor Surfaces.
Features (button)
This button will open the Reference Features, dialog box, allowing you add and configure reference features for display (projected/intersected) or for template control.
Dynamic surface calculation (checkbox)
If checked, corridor surfaces will be automatically updated whenever changes are made.