  • 2. html
  • 2.113. Surface Intersections and Percent Calculations
Layer Intersections and Percent Calculations
It is possible to calculate and report the intersection points with the template and the sub-stratum layers. When doing so, it is important to note:
  • Bank Ht. and Lyr2 Cut L Dy are measured to the bottom of the corresponding layer. That is to say:
      - Bank Ht. is measured at the Layer 1 and Layer 2 interface, and
      - Lyr2 Cut Dy is measured at the Layer 2 and Layer 3 interface.
  • Conversely, height percentages are measured to the top of the corresponding layer.
The figure below shows the offsets for Layer 1.
Layer 1 Intersection Offsets
Lyr2 R Ht. % = (h / H)* 100
Layer 2 Percent by Height Calculation