  • 2. html
  • 2.162. Modifying the Horizontal Alignment in the Section Window
Modifying the Horizontal Alignment in the Section Window
To move the Horizontal Alignment in the Section Window:
1. Activate the Section Window by clicking on it. Choose Section | Section Options and make sure Horz Alignment check box is selected.
2. Right click and choose the Add/Edit IP tool. or click on the Tool Selection | Add/Edit IP button on the Home Toolbar. You are now ready to edit an L-line point.
3. Position the cursor box over at the center of the road (at subgrade) and click the left button on the mouse.
4. Move the cursor box horizontally until you are at the new desired position. Click the left button on the mouse again. The new profile point will be added if one didn't exist before and the cross section will be updated.
NOTE: If the section which you are modifying is on a horizontal curve you will be prompted to delete the curve before the alignment is modified.