  • 2. html
  • 2.263. Pick List Options Dialog
Pick List Options dialog
The purpose of Pick Lists is to provide an easy way to input repetitive data in a Attribute column. 
The pick list contains a collection of attributes that you frequently input.  It appears as a drop-down list when focus is set to the Attribute column in the Traverse Window.  Choose the attribute to input into that field by clicking on the drop-down list item.
Pick List
There is one Pick List for each of the Attribute columns defined for your Traverse.  See the Create New Column dialog for information on adding new columns.
List Items
These are the attribute items that will appear in the drop-down pick list in the Traverse Window. 
Allow typing in Items not on list
This lets you input any text into the Traverse Window field in addition to choosing items from the pick list. 
When this checkbox is cleared, only items from the pick list may be input.