Template Fragments
A fragment (sometimes called surface fragment) is a collection of Legs. Fragments have either a left or right orientation and can not cross the template attachment (usually CL) point or overturn on themselves.
The direction of a fragment is always from the template attachment point outwards.
The following table explains the Fragment properties.
1. Side
The side property indicates the side of the fragment with respect to the template attachment point.  It can be either Left or Right.
2. Output Surface Properties
Display - display on or off
Include in Volumes – if set the fragment cut/fill volumes will be calculated.  Note fragment volumes are calculated between the fragment and the current merged surface (see Fragment Volumes).
Include in Merged Surface - if set the fragment will be added to the merged surface.
Surface  - specifies the output surface for the fragment. This can be a public surface srf1, srf2, ... or a private surface priv1, priv2, ... NOTE: Private surfaces are only available for use in the current component (scope = current component).
Exclusion - similar to legs, the fragment can be excluded if it ends above or below the reference surface.
3. Target Surface
The target surface is used for testing occurrence and for closing operations (see Leg properties).  The property can be an explicitly set reference surface or a surface variable. Normally this surface is the Merged Surface. An explicit target surface can be a public surface (topo, merged, GND1, GND2, Strip, SG,srf1, srf2, etc.) or a private surface (priv1, priv2, etc.) NOTE: Private surfaces are only available for use in the current component (scope = current component).
5. Volume Reference Surface
The Volume Reference Surface is used for calculating volumes. Cut / fill volumes are calculated between the Volume Reference Surface and the current surface.  Normally this surface is the Merged Surface.
4. Tie Points
The fragment must have at least 1 tie point and can optionally have 2.  If a 2nd tie point is specified the fragment will be stretched either horizontally, vertically or both.
Tie Point Type
The tie point can be any on of the following:
Centerline – The centerline or template attachment point.  This type of tie is not recommended for portable components.
Outside – The outer most point (furthest from CL) among the set of already processed fragments. Only fragments which are in the Merged Surface are considered.  This type of tie is not recommended for portable components since the tie point position is dependent on other components.
Template point code – A coded point. Note the point must have already been processed.  If the tie point doesn’t exist the fragment will be skipped.
Component attachment point – The fragment is attached to the parent components attachment point.
End of last surface fragment (successfully processed) - The fragment is attached to the end of the last fragment (or component attachment point if it is the first fragment). Note the fragment is always created.
Start of last surface fragment (successfully processed)  - The fragment is attached to the start of the last fragment (or component attachment point if it is the first fragment).  Note the fragment is always created.
First Fragment in the component. - The fragment is attached to the first fragment in the component. 
End of previous fragment (if it exists).  The fragment is attached to the end of the previous fragment only if it exists.  This differs from “End of the last surface fragment” in that; if the previous fragment doesn’t exist this fragment will be skipped also.
Start of previous fragment (if it exsts).   The fragment is attached to the start of the previous fragment only if it exists.  This differs from “Start of the last surface fragment” in that; if the previous fragment doesn’t exist this fragment will be skipped also.
Outside of component and match surface.   The fragment is attached to the furthest point in the component from centerline on the same fragment surface (material surface eg. SG).  All fragments are considered including fragments not in the Merged Surface and Non-Volume Fragments.
Tie Point Offsets
Vertical and horizontal offsets can be specified for a tie point.  These offsets can also be parameters.
Fragment Stretching Using a Second Tie Point
If a second tie point is specified,  the fragment is stretched (adjusted) horizontally, vertically or both.
Legs in the fragment can be flagged to be included or excluded from the adjustment (see Leg flag Adjust if parent surface has multiple ties ).
If the stretch is horizontal or vertical only,  the slopes of the legs are preserved and the length is adjusted.
For vertical stretching the leg slope direction is determined as follows:
5. Conditions
The following conditions are available to control the inclusion/exclusion of the fragment:
Exclude if ends below reference surface.
Exclude if ends above reference surface.
Include if variable is non zero. If this condition is selected a variable can be assigned to control the inclusion of the fragment.
 For more information see Custom Template Components.