  • 2. html
  • 2.379. Tracked feature modification dialog box
Tracked feature modification dialog box
This dialog box appears after you modify a tracked feature. You must enter a reason for the change to Accept Changes. Otherwise you must Undo Changes.
User, Office ID (text and button)
This identifying text is enterred automatically.
If the User ID or Office ID are not correct, they can be changed by pressing the button on the right to open the User and Office identification dialog box. The User ID defaults to your Windows login name. User ID is saved in your registry (HKCU) for future reference. The Office ID default is empty; you must enter a value before you can press the OK button. Office ID is saved in the Softree.ini file and is shared by all users of the computer.
Date (text)
This field is filled automatically and uses the Windows date and time format.
Reason for edit (edit box)
This is where you enter the reason for the edit. Your text must be at least 5 characters to make the Accept Changes button available.
View Tracked Features (button)
Press this button to see all tracked features and other modifications using the Audit Tracked Feature dialog box.
Accept Changes (button)
This button is only available if the Reason for edit field has more that 5 characters of text. When you press this button the transaction record is attached to the corresponding point(s) in the hidden database and the dialog box is closed.
Undo Changes (button)
The change that you made to trigger the Tracked feature modification dialog box will be undone and the dialog box is closed.