  • 2. html
  • 2.118. Plan Window Options Dialog
Plan Window Options dialog
The Plan Window Options dialog is accessed from the Profile ribbon or from the context menu displayed with a right click on the Plan window.
Note that most of the options and formatting defined here are saved in Screen Layouts.
Display and Formatting Options
Much of the optional linework in the Plan window is created by connecting calculated cross section points. For example, lines representing Template codes are formed by "connecting the dots" at cross sections. For this reason, linework can appear inaccurate if there are not enough cross sections calculated along the alignment. Cross sections are created at plan, profile and reporting points; you can easily add more reporting points by using the Report Points options described below.
Enter the natural scale. For more information see Project Units and Scales.
The Plan window scale is displayed in the standard toolbar; this also allows you to change the scale (outside of this dialog box). If the scale is unlocked in the toolbar, then zoom operations will also change the scale.
Enter the plan rotation angle in degrees.
L-Line (check box and options button)
The L-line (designed centerline alignment) is always displayed in the plan window. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Unlike other features, the L-Line shows the curves accurately even if there are very few cross sections calculated.
Road Edges (check box and options button)
If selected, the road subgrade edges (normally point code RE) will be displayed. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Slope Stakes (check box and options button)
If selected, the slope stakes (catch points) will be displayed. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Clearing ROW (check box and options button)
If selected, the Right of Way clearing boundary is displayed. The default ROW boundary is coincident with the slope stakes; you can add an offset and a minimum width in the Edit-Assign attributes by Range dialog, Site Prep tab. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Horz. Proj. (check box and options button)
If selected, the horizontal projections of the road subgrade edges are displayed.  The plus (+) button allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.  This can be useful for moving the horizontal alignment to full bench cut. By positioning the L-line on the Horz. Proj. left or right lines, a "full bench cut" or "all fill" cross section will result.
    Horizontal Projection
North Arrow (check box)
If enabled, a north arrow is displayed.
Report Points (check box and options button)
If selected, Report points will be displayed along the alignment. The "+" button beside the check box pops up the Report Point Properties dialog, which allows you to show/hide and change the color and symbol of the various Report points. It also allows you to change the spacing for Auto interval points.
Scroll Bars (check box)
If selected, scroll bars will be placed on the right hand side and at the bottom of the plan window allowing the user to shift the view with the mouse.
Note that click and drag with the middle mouse button is dedicated to the Pan function (if your mouse software does not override this). Scroll bars may be unnecessary if you prefer to use Pan.
Fixed Window (check box)
If selected, the plan window position will be fixed. 
Grid (check box and options button)
This check box allows you to enable/disable the display of axis labels and grid lines.  Clicking on the "+" button will popup the Grid Options dialog allowing control over the format and spacing of the grid lines.
P-line (group box)
The P-Line traverse is optional for many RoadEng products; if it doesn't exist these controls have no effect.
P-line (check box and options button)
The P-line (surveyed traverse) is always displayed in the plan window. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Radial Shots (check box and options button)
If selected, radial shots (reference shots) will be displayed. See Survey/Map Online help for more information on Radial Shots. The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Section Lines (check box and options button)
This check box allows you to enable the display of perpendicular cross section lines at each traverse station. Clicking on the "+" button will popup the Section Extension dialog.
Culverts (check box and options button)
If selected, culverts are displayed. The length and width of the culvert is true to scale (see Culverts for more information). The "+" button beside the check box allows you to change the color, line style and symbol or control the display of a Flow Direction Arrow or Culvert Outline.
Bridge Symbols (check box and options button)
If selected, a line from the road edge to road edge (using the road width from the template adjacent to the bridge) will be drawn at the interfaces between bridge templates and standard templates.  The plus (+) button allows you to change the color, line style and symbol.
Labels (check box and options button)
If selected, various labels can be displayed along the plan. Pressing the "+" button beside the Labels button will popup the Label Selection and Formatting dialog. The font size and position of these labels can be controlled. Also see Working with Text for more information on label formatting.
Background (check box and options button)
The background option allows you to display a Terrain file in the background (created in the Terrain module). Clicking the "+" button will popup the Background Display Files dialog .
Template Codes (check box and options button)
Any point code from the assigned template(s) can be shown as a plan feature. Click on the "+" button to open the Point Codes dialog box where you can define which point codes to display and what color and line style they should have.
Shading (check box and options button)
Several options are available for shading in the plan window. See for more information.