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  • 2.234. Optimization error messages
Error Messages
This is part of the Vertical Optimizations Options tabbed dialog box. This is accessed from the Alignment Panel using the Options button area.
Alignment optimization (List)
This list contains all the error and warning messages for the last available alignment optimization.
Cost optimization (List)
This list contains all the error and warning messages for the last available cost calculation.
Warning messages
Warning messages can be disregarded. They will not prevent the optimization software to produce a valid alignment or a cost.
Overflow: Volume Unit of excavated Material could not be wasted. Consider adding a waste pit..
An excess of material has been detected. Add a waste pit if needed.
Underflow: Volume Unit of Material could not be filled. Consider adding a borrow pit with higher quality material.
A shortage of material has been detected. Add a borrow pit with the proper material if needed.
There is no pit defined
The optimization will try to produce a balanced alignment or will accomodate non balanced alignment by automatically adding pits if necessary (overflow/underflow).
The only movement cost is freehaul.
Movement cost structure makes everything freehaul. Maximum uphill push grade will be ignored.
Freehaul to station Station Number, overhaul beyond
Only freehaul costs and overhaul costs have been defined.
Unconstrained Kmin (sag) value for vertical curve Spline Index.
There is range where the minimum K value (sag) has been set to 0.
Unconstrained Kmin (crest) value for vertical curve Spline Index.
There is range where the minimum K value (crest) has been set to 0.
Including control points, current profile points, or range constraints may create curves less than the minimum length (Length of curve starting at station Station Number is only Length).
Do not include control points in the curve definition.
Range constraints may create curves less than the minimum length (Length of curve starting at station Station Number is only Length).
The station range is not a multiple of the base curve/tangent length, hence the last curve/tangent will be shorter.
Only when Variable curves and tangents [Slowest] is used.
There is backward earth movement from station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (General cost structure).
There is backward earth movement from station Station Number to station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (Simplified and Forestry cost structure).
There is backward earth movement from station Station Number to pit Pit Name at station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (Simplified and Forestry cost structure).
There is forward earth movement from station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (General cost structure).
There is forward earth movement from station Station Number to station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (Simplified and Forestry cost structure).
There is forward earth movement from station Station Number to pit Pit Name at station Station Number that is not allowed.
The earth movement constraint is not enforced (Simplified and Forestry cost structure).
Alignment touching the vertical band at station Station Number. Enlarging the band or setting the alignment to current might yield a lower cost alignment.
The optimization solver produced a valid alignment, but it might not be the best one. Enlarge the vertical band or set the alignment  just produced to current and process again.
The band constraint not satisfied at station Station Number.
The alignment lies outside of the vertical band at station Station Number. Check the band and try to enlarge it.
Elevation constraint not satisfied for control point at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the control point elevation constraint at station Station Number. Consider adding or enlarging the tolerance for the elevation.
Grade constraint not satisfied for control point at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the control point grade constraint at station Station Number. Consider adding or enlarging the tolerance for the grade.
Minimum K value constraint not satisfied for curve/tangent starting at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the minimum K value constraint at station Station Number. Consider a smaller K value.
Grade constraint not satisfied for curve/tangent starting at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the grade constraint at station Station Number. Consider a larger grade.
Min. Cut constraint not satisfied at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the minimum cut constraint at station Station Number. Fix the alignment produced manually, or insert a report point at  station Station Number and reprocess the alignment (ensure that report points have been selected).
Min. Fill constraint not satisfied at station Station Number.
The alignment does not satisfy the minimum fill constraint at station Station Number. Fix the alignment produced manually, or insert a report point at  station Station Number and reprocess the alignment (ensure that report points have been selected).
Full bench constraint not satisfied at station Station Number for material Material Name.
The alignment does not satisfy the full bench constraint at station Station Number. Fix the alignment produced manually, or insert a report point at  station Station Number and reprocess the alignment (ensure that report points have been selected).
Cross section not valid (falling off model?) at station Station Number.
Only when costing. Results are inaccurate because volumes are incorrect. Fix the cross section.
Error messages
Infeasible or unsolvable problem.
If this error occurs it is recommended that a feasibilty check be performed.
Problem too big.
Memory failure. The alignment falls into the category of long roads. See the related documentation.
Accurate costing failed.
Solver enhanced mode failed; solution may not be optimal. In the Options-Optimization tab, clear the Solver enhanced mode checkbox and reprocess.
No valid cross sections found within the vertical band at station Station Number.
Try to enlarge the band or extend your model.