  • 2. html
  • 2.96. Component Properties Dialog
Component Properties dialog
The Component Properties dialog allows you to enter values for Component Parameters.  This dialog is accessible from the Template Editor dialog by highlighting a Custom Component and pressing the Modify button.   If the component has been customized you can also create or modify template parameters.
Stock Component
If Stock Component is checked, the component has not been customized,  and the internal details of the component are unavailable (hidden).   This option will be unavailable unless the component has already been customized (see Customize button in the Template Editor).
The class field is used primarily to control the interpolation of the template when a taper template is applied.
Stock Component
If this check box is available the component has been customized. See custom components for more information on .
Process Up
This checkbox indicates the component is being processed up. The normal order to process components is top down. See Component Advanced Properties for more information on .
Show advanced parameters
This checkbox allows you to view and change 'advanced component parameters'. If it is not available the component doesn't have any advanced parameters.
The component description.  This option will be unavailable unless the component has been customized.
The component description.  This option will be unavailable unless the component has been customized.
Parameters List Box
The Parameters List box displays a list of the component parameters.  Select the parameter and change its value below.  Consult the documentation specific component documentation for parameter descriptions. The columns of the list box show:
Item - Variable mame
Default - The default value. This values is used unless the parameter has been overriden. Override - The override value at the current station (n/a) indicates the variable can not be overriden.
Units - Variable units.
The Parameters List box displays a list of the component parameters.  Select the parameter and change its value below.  Consult the documentation specific component documentation for parameter descriptions.
Defaults Tab
The next 3 options allow add or remove component parameters.  They are only available if the Stock Component is not checked and the Extended Templates function group is enabled (see Function Groups) . 
Add a new parameter.  Activates the Custom Component Parameters dialog.
Modify a  parameter.  Activates the Custom Component Parameters dialog.
Delete a parameter.
Overrides Tab
Add a new parameter override. See Parameter override dialog for more information.
Modify a new parameter override.
Delete a parameter override.
These buttons allow you to change the current station (Next, Previous and Jump to Station).
Connection Button
This button activates the Component Connection dialog .
Advanced Button
This button activates the Component Advanced Properties dialog and is only available if the component has been customized.