  • 2. html
  • 2.212. Component Connection Dialog
Component Advanced Properties dialog
The Component Advanced Properties dialog allows you to set several advanced properties.  It is only available if the component has been customized.
Unit conversion
If selected,  the component can be converted between units e.g. feet to meters. In general, properly constructed components should allow conversion. Older components may not include this feature. Be sure to test the component after setting this flag to make sure that it converts between different units properly.
Flip super elevation
If selected,  the right and super/crown values are switched before they are applied to the object.  This is useful for for sub-divided highways.
Process volumes reverse order
If selected, the template is constructed in top down order. After the template is constructed the volumes are calculated from bottom up.  See below for explanation on template processing.
Template Processing
There are 2 steps in the processing of a template.
a) Construction step
In this step the geometry of the template is determined based on the objects, fragments, and legs and the underlying logic.  The template is always constucted in the order of its objects, fragments, and legs as shown in the Template Editor.
b) Volume processing step
In this step the volumes are calculated by processing the volume between the merged surface and each fragment.  If Process volumes from bottom up is selected the volumes are calculated  in reverse order.  Ie. the last fragment is applied first.