  • 2. html
  • 2.232. Optimizer Control Pts.
Control Pts
This dialog is used to add control points to an alignment optimization.
This is part of the Vertical Optimizations Options tabbed dialog box. This is accessed from the Alignment Panel using the Options button.
Description (Edit Box)
Allows to attach a comment to a control point.
Enable Vertical Control (Check Box)
Elevation (Edit Box)
Allows to set an explicit elevation for the alignment.
Get from Alignment (Button)
Allow to set the elevation to the same elevation as the current alignment. If the current alignment has no profile, then ground elevations are used.
Tolerance (Edit Box)
Allows the alignment to be above or below the defined elevation within this tolerance (+ or - tolerance).
Enable Grade Control (Check Box)
Grade (Edit Box)
Allows to set an explicit grade for the alignment.
Get from Alignment (Button)
Allows to set the grade to the same grade as the current alignment. If the current alignment has no profile, then ground grades are used.
Tolerance (Edit Box)
Allows the grade to be above or below the defined grade within this tolerance(+ or - tolerance).
Displays all control points and their station. Select a list item to display and edit properties. Double click to change the station.
Note: control points created with station set to "Start of Alignment" or "End of Alignment" will NOT adjust automatically their station if the alignment changes length.
Add (Button)
Adds a new control point. You will be prompted for the station.
Modify Station (Button)
Allows to modify the station.
Remove (Button)
Deletes a control point.