  • 2. html
  • 2.15. Profile Window Cable Options Dialog
Profile Window Cable Options dialog
The following options are available:
Features Displayed
This edit box contains the fence section feature (feature on which the profile is based). It is in the form ID-SubID eg. dline-1.
+ button
Pressing the+ (plus) button allows you to select the fence section feature from a list of features. See Select Feature by Name dialog (see Terrain help).
Current button
Pressing this button causes the current feature to become the fence section feature. This function activated using the View | New Window | Profile function.
Projected/Intersected button
Activates the Projected/Intersected dialog allowing you to add or remove projected and intersected features. This function is only available if Profile Drafting and Design Function Group is enabled (see Terrain help for more information).
Horizontal Scale
Enter the natural horizontal scale. For more information see Project Units and Scales. This field is disabled if Auto Scale is set (see below).
Vertical Scale
Enter the natural vertical scale. For more information see Project Units and Scales. This field is disabled if Auto Scale is set (see below).
Auto Scale Check Box
If selected, the horizontal and vertical scales are chosen such that the entire profile fits in the window.
Other Options
Fixed Window Check Box
If selected, the title bar and border will be removed and the profile windows position will be fixed. This style will optimize screen space.
Scroll Bars Check Box
If selected, scroll bars will be placed on the right hand side and along the bottom of the Profile Window allowing the view to be shifted using the mouse. Scroll bars are not available if Auto Scale is set (see above).
Labels Check Box
Various labels can be displayed along the profile. Checking Labels will enable the display of labels on the profile. Pressing the "+" button beside the Labels button will popup the Label Selection and Formatting dialog. The font size and position of these labels can be controlled.
Grid Check Box
Allows you to control the format and display of grid lines in the profile window. See Grid dialog box for more information.
Snap to Point Check Box
If this checkbox is selected, when a new point is created or an existing point is edited the nearest point on an adjacent feature is selected provided that it is within a minimum distance(2 mm.) (see Terrain help for more information) .
Snap to Grid Check Box
If this checkbox is selected, when a new point is created or an existing point is edited the cursor is positioned on the nearest grid node. The spacing and display of the grid can be controlled in the Snap-to Grid Parameters dialog box which is accessed by clicking on the "+" button beside the Snap to grid check box (see Terrain help for more information).
Background Check Box
If this check box is enabled, the Fence Section feature will be projected on any background Terrain files which have a TIN model. Clicking on the "+" button beside the check box will activate the Background Display Properties dialog box. This function is only available if Profile Drafting and Design Function Group is enabled (see Terrain help for more information).
General Options Button
This button activates the General Options dialog.
The Cable Analysis profile window displays a vertical array of optional sub-windows.
To add or remove sub-windows choose the Select button. The following Select sub-windows Options dialog will appear. Note that the sub-windows will be displayed in the same order as the Selected list with the first one sizable.
To set individual options for the sub-windows:
1) Highlight the list box entry for the sub-window you wish to configure
2) Press the Options button (or double click on the list item).
The following are some options for individual sub-windows:
Horz Axis
This will cause a horizontal axis to be displayed in the sub-window. As all graphic sub-windows have the same horizontal scale (Station units), it makes sense to display this axis in only one sub-window.
Vert Axis
This will cause a vertical axis to be displayed in the sub-window.
Auto Scale
This will cause the scale to be calculated automatically so that all the data fit in the sub-window. Additional options, Normalized for Skyline Length and Center Span for % deflection can be enabled.