  • 2. html
  • 2.192. Roadway Properties Dialog
Default Roadway Properties dialog
This dialog is accessible by selecting the default Roadway Sub-Component on the Template Editor dialog and pressing the Modify button.
This dialog allows you to modify the Default Roadway Object.  The roadway object defines the sub-grade and surfacing layers. 
Note: The attachment point for this component is C/L at sub-grade.
Sub-grade Width
The sub-grade width can either be entered explicitly or automatically calculated from the surfacing material above. If the sub-grade is automatically calculated from the surfacing (Auto size set) the sub-grade width will vary with super-elevation.
Crown Slopes %
The crown slope applies when there is no super-elevation. When super-elevation is present the crown slope is transitioned from full crown to full super.
Sub-grade Daylight Distance
Daylighting can be used to automatically extend the sub-grade. This parameter only applies if the edge of road is below topography (in cut). It the horizontal distance from the edge of the sub-grade to ground is less than this parameter the sub-grade is extended horizontally to meet ground.
Surfacing layers are defined from sub-grade upwards e.g. Layer 1 is the first layer above sub-grade, layer 2 is the second layer above sub-grade and so on.
Depth – Vertical thickness of the surfacing layer.
Fill Slope – Fill angle for layer.
Width – This is the horizontal distance from CL to the top edge of surfacing (surfacing slope not included).
Auto Size if set, the the width of surfacing is determined from the layer above (taking into account crown or super-elevation).
Override Parameters
The following parameters can be overriden.
Depth of surfacing (project units), for surface i (surfaces numbered from bottom up, e.g 1 is first surface above subgrade)
Surfacing slope, for surface i (surfaces numbered from bottom up, e.g 1 is first surface above subgrade)
Display checkbox
Turns on/off the display of the Roadway object.
Attach profile at the top of surfacing checkbox
If selected, the template is attached at the top of the surfacing otherwise it is attached at subgrade.