  • 2. html
  • 2.160. Curve Table Options Dialog
Curve Table Options dialog
This function can be accessed from Multi-Plot | Sub-View Options or by double clicking on a Curve Table Sub-View and pressing the Options button.
This dialog box allows you to configure the Curve Table Sub-View (for either a Horizontal or Vertical Curve Table). The following options are available:
Curve table title.
Enter the column Width in millimeters or select Auto and the rectangle will be divided into equal sized columns.
Table Items
Select the number of digits after the decimal for the entries in the table.
Pressing this button will popup a dialog box allowing you to add/remove items to/from the Curve Table. See Vertical or Horizontal Curve Table Items for more information.
Degree of Curve (Horizontal Curve Table only)
Stationing Distance
This item is not shown in the Vertical Curve Table options. The stationing distance value is only used if you are reporting degree of curve values.
Degree of curve reporting is available in the Multi-plot horizontal curve table and in Plan window customizable labels; like radius, it is a way of measuring curvature in a horizontal curve. Degree of curve is defined as the  angle subtended by a specific arc (or chord) length; we call this length the stationing distance.
This value can also be set in the Road Class Specifications dialog box.
Table Alignment
Horizontal (radio button)
Curves display across the table from left to right.
Horizontal (radio button)
Curves display down the table from top to bottom.
Design Points
Curves only (radio button)
Only curve vertical intersection points are displayed.
All (radio button)
All vertical intersection points are displayed. Many table items will be blank for VIPs that have no curve defined.